"You have a sister?" I questioned surprised.

"Yes and you can ask Mia if you don't believe me." Ryle rolled his eyes. I believe him, he looks so scared. "Make your decision now Rose."

I am not running away from my fight.

I unlock my door and hop out of the car.

"Let's kill some people." I said.


"So my brothers will think that I am in France?" I asked Ryle who's driving and I am next to him in the passenger seat. Kai is in the backseat with his headphones on and singing, he's giving me headache.

"Yes. Are you sure they didn't put a tracker on you?" Ryle questioned.

"I hugged them." I said.

"Okay...?" Ryle said confused making me chuckle.

"I mean whenever Lorenzo hugs me, he puts a tracker on me."

"Kai?" Ryle called out Kai's name looking at him in the revue mirror but Kai's listening to music so he didn't hear him. "Kai!" Ryle yelled and that's when he looked at us.

"What?" He asked.

"Pass me the tracker detector thingy."

Kai opens a black bag that was between his legs and got a small machine out, he passed it to Ryle who then passed it to me.

"Roam it over your body and it will make noise when there's a tracker."

"And if I find one, I remove it?" I asked him.

"Yes." He responded. "If your brothers find out, they will stop you and we need you to save my sister and everyone."

I roam the machine over my legs then my stomach, my arms, my back but not my neck where Blake's necklace is.

I still don't trust Ryle and Kai fully and if something happens, I want to have a plan b.

"I have no tracker on me." I said giving Ryle the machine.

"You sure? Blake is one hell of a bastard, he might have put something on you." Ryle said looking at me suspiciously.

"Well your machine didn't make any noise so..." I shrugged.

He took the machine and put it next to my ear. "What are you doing?" I asked him confused.

"Checking your jewellery." He responded. Well shit.

He put it on the other side of my ear and then in front of my necklaces. The machine didn't make any sound.


"Okay you don't have a tracker on you." Ryle said throwing the track detector in the back seat.

After a moment of silence, Kai removed his headphones and started singing, he honestly has the worst voice I have ever heard.

"We could have had it allllllllllllllll, rolling in the deeeeeeeeeeeep."

"Shut the fuck up!" Ryle yelled at him making me burst into laughter.

"What? It's not that bad, Rose was enjoying it." Kai said.

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