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Okay, so maybe you have the Walmart version of a quirk, but that doesn't mean your weak. You just so happened to be the product of two pro heroes. Your parents were pro heroes. One with the ability to control energy currents around them and the other to create mind tricks.
Guess what happens when you mix that together?

Ever heard of Star Wars?

Yep, you get the power of the Force. But let's be honest, when you dressed up as Darth Vader for Halloween, you sure scared the shit out of some people.
And no you don't have a lightsabre, the stupid law or whatever stops a teenager from having the ultimate weapon, what a buzzkill.

But alas, this story isn't about the Jedi or what not. It's about girl and boy.

Okay, let me rephrase that: It's about a girlboss who has major angry issues along with a sarcasm problem and bigot who will do anything to succeed. Just their luck when they met, I guess.

But, unfortunately, we can jump right into the goods, so I'll take you back to their first meeting.

Okay, helloo! Thank you for reading this story, for some reason you clicked on it, so be prepared for a world of chaos and confusion. Spelling mistakes will be more common than anything you've ever seen.
I would also liked to say that Y/n is going to be based on my body type and stuff. Don't worry, I ain't some 3ft tall 0.1ft waist with blonde hair, icy blue orbs and a clumsy stuttering problem.
No, all that stuff will be based on average stats or whatever. Just to let you know, the body type is not skinny, but not fat either. Imagine if you will.

ANNNNDDD! With that, we may begin. So grab your tits ladies (Or your crotch ig) and settle in for this rollercoaster of a ride.

 So grab your tits ladies (Or your crotch ig) and settle in for this rollercoaster of a ride

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Ps. Pls vote on my story, I'm desperate 

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