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They approached the classroom. Percy knew he needed to keep a front as the student for a few minutes, meaning continuing to talk to his friends about anything. He took a deep breath, and walked into the room. His other friends were talking, but he was silent. He wanted to see what the others thought about this. He scanned the room until he found the golden trio, as everyone called them. Harry leaned over to Hermione and Ron and whispered, "I bet McGonagall is coming here right now to tell me that I'm the defense teacher". Hermione rolled her eyes.

Percy almost lost it. He was about to burst out laughing, but he managed control. The same happened, when Hermione's eyes bugged out, for a reason Percy didn't know. Everyone was now around the edges of the room. They were afraid of the Defense teacher, without even knowing who it was. Percy started to speak to Annabeth, when Hermione lost her temper.

"Have you no respect? The Defense teacher will be here any second, and you are goofing off like you have the rest of the day. Shame on all of you". Percy's eyes hardened and Hermione's eyes widened. Good. "2 things. First, never say anything to my family and friends. Second, I doubt you want to speak to your teacher like that". "Not like your the bloody teacher anyway", Ron muttered from behind. "Whatever", Hermione and Percy said in unison. Percy waited for a few more minutes, until it looked like both HErmione and Harry were going to explode, then he went up to the front of the room and spoke.

"Hello everyone. You might know me as an exchange student. Percy is the name. Now, drop down and give me 25 pushups". Plenty of people protested, but other actually started doing them. Harry was furious. "Who do you think you are", Harry seethed.

Percy gave him a perfect smile. He then spoke, "I am the Defense against Dark Arts teacher, and I recommend you start if you not want to receive a detention". That got them working, but Hermione didn't believe him. "Prove it", she said. "You can ask McGonagall. Or Fliteick. Or Slughorn. Any of the teachers here really. Also the rest of the exchange students are co teachers, so don't ask why they aren't doing anything".

Reluctantly, Harry, Hermione, and Ron got on the floor and did the pushups. Once everyone finished, they were all gasping, their faces red, out of breath. Percy spoke his next sentence, which sent a wave of excitement and fear throughout the classroom. "This year we will be learning sword fighting".

the last strategy didn't work, so I wrote a legitimate chapter. still though guys, 4 reads. WE CAN DO IT.


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