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Annabeth heard her name get called for sorting. She stood up, and walked towards the hat. The hat sat on her head, and began to speak into her mind. Hmm. I cannot quite figure you out. Annabeth knew that the hat would speak into her head, but she still was a little surprised. The traits you have deem me to put you into Slytherin, Gryffindor, or Ravenclaw. I will need to see your memories for this. NO, Annabeth screamed into her mind. She instantly set up her mental barriers.

"I cannot sort you without this, you have been through almost everything with your boyfriend right? This is the only way you would be in the same house. By your experiences and memories, not your traits. Otherwise, you would be a Slytherin due to your cunningness, or a Ravenclaw, based on your intelligence. Your boyfriend would be a HufflePuff because of his loyalty". The hat gave Annabeth an entire speech, which made her think. She had to be in the same house as Percy, she couldn't afford to lose him to anything. She closed her eyes, and let her memories out.

Her mind went black, and she slipped into unconsciousness. She swam through the memories, of her stepmother playing bad cop, and saving the statue from Arachne. She tried not to think about Tartarus, but the hat saw that too. She screamed in her head, wanting these memories to leave. She woke up from her state, and heard the screaming of the hat. "GRYFFINDOR, SHE'S A GRYFFINDOR. NEXT PLEASE. GRYFFINDOR". She quickly got up, and walked back to where her friends were, ignoring the stares of the students of why she passed out during the sorting, and most importantly ignoring the flirty glances of the male students. She sat down and waited for McGonagall to continue. Finally, she spoke. "Well, that was certainly eventful, next being sorted is...", she stopped to look at her list.


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