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 "We will start off with the fire charm. I trust you all know it?", he asked. Everyone nodded, even the exchange students. Charms passed by in a blur, with Leo almost burning his row down with the fire charm (though she didn't recall seeing him hurt by the fire at all). Percy excelled at the water charm, and to a lesser extent, so did Frank (why was everyone except Percy wet? Even Frank was wet).

Everything earth related was Hazel, and Nico (the necromancer and his sister. Interesting. I wonder if the rest of their friends know about the horrible things Percy and Nico had done. It would shatter them). Hermione grinned. She should totally do that. She shook her thoughts and took them back to the charms class. Air was completely controlled by Jason and Thalia. The newcomer struggled a bit at first, but eventually passed Thalia. Nothing really abnormal there. Mostly.

Now came what everyone was waiting for. Defense Against the Dark Arts. Harry leaned over to Hermione and Ron and whispered, "I bet McGonagall is coming here right now to tell me that I'm the defense teacher". Hermione rolled her eyes, but she agreed. There really was nobody better than Harry for the job. She just wished that he wouldn't have a big head about it. She went inside the classroom, and saw that there were no desks. Anywhere. Her eyes bugged out of her head and she mentally screamed. You can't have a class with no desks. There had to be some sit down activities involved, right?

Everyone skirted aroung the edges of the room, not trying to say anything to anger the teacher. Except the exchange students. Hermione walked over to them and practically screamed at them. "Have you no respect? The Defense teacher will be here any second, and you are goofing off like you have the rest of the day. Shame on all of you". Percy's eyes hardened and Hermione felt a flutter of fear. "2 things. First, never say anything to my family and friends. Second, I doubt you want to speak to your teacher like that". "Not like your the bloody teacher anyway", Ron muttered from behind. "Whatever", Hermione and Percy said in unison, as thy both walked back to where they came from.

After a few minutes had passed, Hermione started to get antsy. Class time was being wasted, and no teacher had shown up yet. Harry was steaming. Then Percy stood up, and went to the front of the class. "Hello everyone. You might know me as an exchange student. Percy is the name. Now, drop down and give me 25 pushups". Plenty of people protested, but other actually started doing them. Harry was furious. "Who do you think you are", Harry seethed. Percy smiled perfectly, enough for Hermione to almost forget what he did. Almost. Percy spoke, "I am the Defense against Dark Arts teacher, and I recommend you start if you not want to receive a detention". That got them working, but Hermione didn't believe him. "Prove it", she said. "You can ask McGonagall. Also the rest of the exchange students are co teachers, so don't ask why they aren't doing anything". Hermione, without a choice, started the pushups, her head swimming in her fears.

FINALLY! Hermione POV is over, and I have plans of who I should install as my villain. though he wont really be like a villian. he is basically Luke. being controlled, but not aware of the fact that he is being in control. enough said, guess who you think this person is!

later people


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