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"You heard him Harry, happy?", Percy asked again.

"Yup! Ready for class now".

"Alright, well we are 10 minutes behind now thanks to this extra long sword choosing, and the naming. So what we will do is, we have a couple training dummys set up. Each of them have a red area near the hips, and the heart. Based on which hand you use, you will swing your sword to that side of the hip and try to hit the red area. Once you do that, you will pull out the sword, and stab the dummy in the heart. You will have 5 seconds to do this. Once again, if you think you cant handle killing a person, please leave". One more person left. Same with Nico. Now out of the 40 8th years, 12 were swordfighting.

"Alright step up. Dont be shy if you cant do it, i dont expect most of you to be able to do it. However, the enemy wont wait for you like we will, and making a mistake out there can and will cause you to lose your life. Thats why we use classes to perfect it. Line up! GO!", Percy shouted. One by one the wizards went through and tried their best. Most people missed the hip area, but got the heart stab, and they took about ten seconds. Once everyone got through, Percy assessed them individually.

"Okay, so here is what we got. You guys got the heart stab for the most part, but you missed the hip, and it took you 10 seconds. However, this is all on average. Harry, Ron, you guys got the hip, and the heart, and Ron you took 10 seconds, while Harry you took 7. We can work on time, but for now you guys are progressing very well. Work on the motions first. It doesnt have to be fast immediately, just try to hit the target areas. Once you have all that down, start picking up the pace until you nailed it down. This is the basic attack form, and if you kill someone with this, you are going to be extremely lucky. However, you always want to do this when your opponents guard is down. Now, try again".

Percy watched as they tried to follow his orders, and now about half his section of the class were hitting their marks, and almost at the time. Percy pulled in a person every once in a while to discuss with them how they could do better. Once class had ended, Harry was the only one who had gotten it, while Ron and Draco weren't far behind. The rest of his section was doing alrigh, better than they were at the beginning of class. Percy looked over at the time. Class was almost over.

"Alright everyone, we made significant progress today with whatever we were doing. Work this hard, and the enemy will regret facing us. You are all dismissed, and have a good day". He watched everyone leave the class, and he walked over to Annabeth. "You tortured Hermione?", he asked. "I mean we are doing her a favor, this will only make her better. Also I do believe she will come around eventually, so this is prep for then". Percy considered her words, and nodded. They walked back to their dorm, no words spoken. No words needed. They had each other.

long update, so yay. dont ask why I actually have ideas on how to kill people, just go with it. also i dont know why i ended the chapter like that, i just felt they needed a moment. whos POV should I do next? Comment down below! (I have no idea on who to do)


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