"I'll look for her." 

Sypha and Trevor turned to look at Alucard who was already looking at them with a frown.

"I'll be able to sniff her out and I know this castle like the back of my hand," he placed the ring into his pocket, "it would only make sense for me to find her." 

Sypha pursed her lips, "Are you sure?" She looked over to the pile of ashes, "Wouldn't you like more time to mourn?"

"I've been mourning since my father slashed my chest," his jaw tightened, "Let's use this time to find, Y/N." 

With that, the trio began their search for the healer. 

Alucard wasn't quite sure where Y/N would be, however, he could smell her in the air. 

The sweet scent of plums. He didn't know why the smell of those fruits clung to her so tightly, she had only started to smell that way ever since the moment they shared together in the wagon. 

Wherever she was he hoped that she was okay. 






The constant sound of the large clock served as ambiance for the young woman. After she woke up from her panic-induced nap. She resigned to leaning against the door and staring listlessly at the clock in front of her. 

She didn't know what would be worst, a room full of silence or the continuous sound of the clock. 

She watched as the minute hand moved. 

She had tried to transmute the door after waking up. Time after time she placed her hands on the door and imagine it as something else, to no avail it never worked.  She could only deduce that a rune had been hidden somewhere in the room or even somewhere on the door. 

She couldn't find it. 

She searched on the tips of the tallest bookcases and even crawled around on the floor like a bug. She couldn't find a single rune. 

Y/N knew it made sense, Dracula was a smart man and he wouldn't make it so easy for someone to interfere with his plans. 

She didn't know how long she had been locked in Dracula's study, she didn't really focus on the numbers that were painted on the clock. It could have been hours, minutes, and even days.


Her eyes widened as the shine returned to them. 

A voice?

Trevor's voice?

She banged against the door, "Trevor! I'm in here!" 


She heard his footsteps move closer to the door. 

"Trevor!" she banged against the door once more. 

"Stand back, I'm going to try to break the door." 

She stood back and waited with bated breath as Trevor began to ram the door. 

The door didn't budge an inch, it didn't even shake.

Moments later she heard the slam of a heavy object against the door, she could only guess that it was him slamming his weapon against the door. 

"Trevor?" she frowned when she received no response, "Trevor?"

"I'm going to get the others," he announced, "I'm making no leeway with this door on my own." 

The sound of footsteps danced in her ears and she walked over to sit in Dracula's large chair. 

There was nothing for her to do except wait. 


She stood up and raced to the door, "Alucard?"

A feminine voice began speaking, "How are you feeling?" 

The young woman sighed in relief, "Better, Sypha."

"Stand back, I'm going to try to burn the door."

Once again, Y/N stood back from the door. 

She waited with bated breath for something to happen and was severely disappointed when nothing happened. 

"Sypha?" she said with a question in her tone.

"I don't know what's happening," she replied back to her, "The wood won't burn. I've never see anything like this," the Speaker spoke with awe.

"This castle has always been an anomaly with special quirks," she heard Alucard's low voice.

As much as she would have enjoyed a history lesson on the castle, she would rather do that when she wasn't trapped in a room. 

"That's interesting and all, but can you get me out of here, Alucard?" she questioned with a bite in her tone.  

"Oh," he muttered in surprise, "I can open the door."

"Then do that!" 

The door was opened. 

Behind Alucard on either side was Sypha and Trevor, looking at the dhampir with wide eyes. 

The young woman launched herself at Alucard and wrapped her arms around the man. 

"I'm so happy to see you!" 

They enjoyed the hug for a few seconds before Y/N pulled away and turned her attention, to Sypha and Trevor. 

She gave the other woman a mischievous smile before she pulled her into the hug, turning it into a group hug. 

"Trevor?" she called as she noticed the hunter standing a few ways away with his arms crossed, "Aren't you going to join us?"


Sypha rolled her eyes before grabbing Trevor and pulling him into a hug.

The group settled into the embrace. 

A warm feeling settled into the woman's chest. Instead of worrying about the future she allowed herself to relish in the bittersweet moment. 






Hey, I normally don't do author notes but I decided to make a little one. Sorry for the wait, life had been insane and even now its wild. I missed writing so I tried hard to find time for it. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Have a good day!

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