Chapter 12 (Steven) (Edited)

Start from the beginning

            “Can I put it on you?” I asked her, still a little unsure of her reaction.  

            Eagerly she responded with a “Yes, yes,” and for the first time since we had eaten I felt my muscles begin to uncoil.  Another step had been taken in her complete acceptance of me as her mate.  My inner wolf howled in satisfaction.

            As I placed it on her delicate wrist I explained to her how it belonged to my mother and was typically passed on to the oldest child.  One day I hoped that she would pass it on to our oldest whelp.

            “Since we promised our parents that we wouldn’t bond until after graduation I wanted you to have something to wear signifying my mark.  It’s nowhere near as good as the real thing, but I thought it was a fitting replacement.”  Her palm rested against my cheek and she pulled me so that we were face to face with only a breath of air separating us.

            “It’s perfect Steven, absolutely perfect,” she said just before she brought her lips crashing down onto mine.  This was the first time that my little femme wolf had exercised any sort of dominance and I think I really like this side of my little mate.  I let her lead the kiss and every once in a while I would try to use my alpha side a little just to see her rare up and battle with me in our passion.  I could definitely get used to the little fireball I was holding in my arms.

            “Run with me,” I pushed into her mind.  My wolf wanted to be free with his mate.  Her kisses gradually slowed from a raging fire to a simmering boil just before she pulled away from my lips.  We both stayed close with our foreheads pressed together panting to catch our breaths.

            “Princess?” I asked aloud, “Will you run with me?”

            She hesitated for just a second before her lips curved up and she nodded her head.  I stood up and held my hand out to her.  She let me pull her up and we just stood there drinking in each other.  I took the initiative and first pulled off my shirt.  Her eyes flitted to my abs and my ego grew from the hungry look reflected in her eyes.  Now encouraged, I quickly pulled off the rest of my clothing until I stood fully nude in front of my mate.  She would now and forever be the only person to ever see me in this state.  Her beautiful blue eyes widened and for the briefest of seconds I felt slightly intimidated under her careful scrutiny, at least until she spoke.

            “Is it always that big?” she questioned while taking baby steps closer to me.

            A laugh escaped my lips.  “Only when I’m around you, Princess.  But you may not want to come any closer or I won’t be able to keep that promise to our parents.”

            With those words she halted midstep and a fresh wave of panic crossed her features.  I hurriedly changed into my white wolf hoping that she would feel more comfortable around me.  It must have worked because a quiet sigh escaped her lips and her face seemed to relax.

            I pushed into her mind. “I’m waiting, Princess.  Unfortunately we don’t have all day.  You have a talent show to practice for,” I reminded her.  She slowly started to pull of her shirt and turned so that her back was facing me.

            “Aw, come on Princess, no fair,” I whined into her mind.

            In less than sixty seconds she had her clothing off and was shifting into her beautiful grey wolf.  She tried to hide her modesty from me but I still got a picture perfect view of that creamy ass of hers that tends to drive me up the wall.  I licked my snout in anticipation as I slowly advanced on my mate.   I pushed the picture of her bare ass into her mind and she rounded on me.  A tiny growl escaped her lips as she stared me down.

            “See how irresistible you are to me, Princess,” I called out into her mind.

            She nipped at my front leg before turning and bounding off into the woods.  “Oh, it’s on now, baby doll.” 

            I stood at the tree line for a few minutes wanting to give her a head start before taking off after her.  The trail of her scent was hypnotic.  We darted in and out of trees as we ran freely through nature.  After about fifteen minutes I spotted her.  She was lazing seductively in a little meadow nestled in the woods looking just like the sexy she devil I knew her to be.

            I toed softly along the ground until she was fully in my sight.  Her head lifted and those beautiful blue eyes blinked at me.  A burst of lust shot straight to my groin at the sight of this dangerous femme wolf sitting in front of me.  I inched up to her and nuzzled her neck.  Her scent was so damn intoxicating and I wanted it mingled with mine.  I slowly crawled on top of her and gently rubbed my body on top of hers.  I buried my head in her neck and tempted the fates by letting my teeth graze her neck.  

            I felt her tense immediately and pushed into her mind, “Don’t worry love, I will not mark you yet.  I am still in full control.  Just a little taste.  That’s all I want to pacify my wolf.”

            She relaxed marginally as I gently bit down at her neck.  Not enough to break the skin and permanently mark her as mine, just enough to taste.  The day would eventually come that I could mark her forever as mine.  I licked her snout and nipped at her ears.  Once I was satisfied that my smell was firmly ingrained in her skin I let my little mate up.  We nipped and played with each other for an unknown amount of time.  I was just enjoying her company and really didn’t care about anything other that the two of us and our time together.

            When I finally noticed the light dimming as the sun began to lower I figured that it was time to take her back to her cousin’s house.  

            “Princess, time to go,” I whispered into her mind.

            She pushed a picture of her human form pouting with her lips fully poked out and her arms crossed over her chest.  I cracked up laughing.  Being in wolf form it came out as a jittery bark.  She snorted at me and turned tail to run.  When will she ever learn?  That derriere is going to be the freaking death of me.  I was entranced by the sway of her tail as she strutted through the woods and back towards my bike.

            After about seven minutes, I couldn’t take any more.  I thought that it was only fair to warn her.

            “Princess?” I called out and it sounded more like a hungry growl.

            She must have picked up on the direction of my thoughts because she froze and planted her butt firmly on the ground.  Turning her head back she glanced at me and waited.  

            “Hurry up and get your horny tail in front of me,” she snapped.

When I Look At You  (Book 2- Mated Hearts Series) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now