"Wait"! He shouted and chased us down the escalator.

Jon sighed angrily "Dude take a hint she's not interested."

"Look im a scouter. It's my job to scout gorgeous young people in public areas. I think you could be a model." He said handing me his card.

I read it. "Oh my God! Your Justine Carter"? I said. "Your like really famous."

"That I am. And I think your model material. Why don't you give me a call sometime"? He said winking at me and walking off.

"Oh my God your Justine Carter." Jon mimicked me.

"What are you jealous"? I said sticking the card I had received just now into my purse.

"Well he was calling you the prettiest girls he's ever seen and shit like that so my ego wasn't completely boosted when you freaked out over who he was." Jon muttered to me.

"Jon." I smirked.

"What"? He said.

"Justine's gay." I laughed.

"Oh." He said.

The rest of the boys burst out laughing.

Being a model?

I didn't know how to feel about it. I already wanted to be a lawyer but what if not being able to start this year was a sign.

Jon seemed really happy about it "Imagine us. The rockstar and the model dating. We'd be such a power couple."

"Maybe." I laughed.

We all sat down and Richie and I went to order.

"Would you actually be a model Jackie"? Richie asked as we stood in line.

"I don't know. If you had the opportunity to be one, would you"? I asked Richie.

"Hell yeah. You just pose for a picture and make loads of money. And Bonus, everyone knows who you are." Richie said putting his arm around me. "But if you don't want to. Then don't."

"But I don't know what I want." I said half joking.

"Then you should try it out. If you don't like it then don't do it. And if you do." He said.

"Then do it." I said with a smile. "Thanks Richie."

We walked back with the food and my hand slid into Jon's. He smiled at me and the boys talked about tomorrow.

"I'm sure the girls are gonna freak out when they find out Jon's taken." Laughed Tico.

"Well they can freak out, I only have eyes for Jacks." He said with a smile.

"You better stay by her all night. They'll fight her." Said a laughing Richie.

"Oh Jackie can fight back." giggled Jon.

"Wait wait. I don't want to fight anyone." I said biting my lip.

"Im afraid you don't have a choice. Jon's a hot rockstar, your his hot girlfriend who he is in love with. They'll do anything to get you out of the picture." Replied David.

I quietly sipped my soda. "Oh."

Jon's arm wrapped around me "Don't be scared. There's security."

I nodded slowly "Just stay close to me Jon. You guys too. Please."

David smiled "Of course we will."

We shopped a little more and we went back to the hotel.

Jon and I cuddled up on the bed. We were doing face masks and I was cutting his nails.

He watched TV as one of hands rested comfortably on my ass and the other was in mine.

"How are you gonna do your hair Jacks"? Jon asked.

"Hmm. I don't know. Should I straighten it"? I replied.

"Nahhh. You should do it curly. I like it like that." His finger twirled my hair.

I smiled "Okay. I'll do curly. How about you? Want me to tease it tomorrow"?

"How about you tease it right now"? Jon said with a smirk.

I jokingly slapped his knee "Jon. I meant your hair. Don't start getting to excited."

Jon nodded "Yeah I like it when you tease my hair."

"Okay so I'll tease it and- " I was cut off by Jon's lips connecting into mine.

His tongue slid into my mouth as the kiss became more passionate. My hand rested on his cheek and his traveled down to lower waist.

I pulled away and smiled at Jon.

He grinned "I'm sorry I had to. You have very kissable lips."

I laughed "Thanks I think? But we have to finish planning for tomorrow."

"Well maybe this will help." He pulled out a bottle of wine and two glasses.

I smirked at him "It really would help."

He served the wine and I continued planning for tomorrow. We fell asleep watching a movie.

 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 | jon bon jovi Where stories live. Discover now