Chapter 12

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"Y/n-chan,  y/n-Chan."


"y/n-chan, this is urgent. For the past few days I felt that something bad would happen to someone I love dearly, please help me watch out for my family and the master's family."

"No problem."




"Rengoku-san, what are doing?"

Let's just say, Saturday morning you walked by the Rengoku Estate to see Rengoku and his younger brother who is also Rengoku but let's call him Senjurou, you saw the both of them dressed in farmer clothes walking out of the Estate. 

"We are going to grow sweet potatoes, that's what nii-San said." Senjurou answered while rubbing the back of his head. 

"HAHAHAHAHA I HAVE A DAY OFF TODAY AND I WOULD LIKE TO SPEND SOME QUALITY TIME WITH MY DEAR BROTHER, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE Y/N? WHERE IS MUICHIROU?" You facepalmed yourself. Why is it everytime when you are alone, people would ask where Muichirou is? Do you look like a loner?

"Oh he is on a solo mission and I have nothing to do so I was just taking a walk erm, around here." You answered, stammering at the same time. To tell the truth, your actual reason of coming here was to visit Ruka's grave. 

Rengoku Ruka was like an aunt to you ever since you both met. When you first met her, she was a strict cold looking lady and you were afraid of her. It was until you and Senjurou were training together one day when she spoke to you. You were around 9 at that point of time. During that time, you would often visit the Rengoku Estate to talk with Ruka. However, we all knew what happened.

You bowed to the brothers as you stepped into the Estate. 

"Good afternoon sir." You spotted Rengoku Shinjurou outside drinking and you bowed to him as you headed for the grave. He glared at you angrily before going out or the house to buy more alcohol. You sighed as you made your way to Ruka's grave.

"Ruka-san, how are you? I'm really sorry I couldn't visit last week because there was a Hashira meeting. Your sons are doing fine and they just headed out to spend time together. I'm currently doing fine too but your husband doesn't seem to be so well." You said as you kneeled down by the grave, placing a bouquet of flowers on it. "I'll see you soon someday." You said before standing up and headed into the Mansion. 

You would visit the Estate every Saturday to visit Ruka as well as housekeeping for the family. Kyojurou doesn't know you visit his mother nor do Senjurou. Shinjurou doesn't know as well because he thought you were just there for housekeeping just like the other two. But why housekeeping? When you were younger, you used to visit Ruka and helped her with chores and all even till now despite her not being here anymore. Even though Kyojurou insisted that you don't have to help, you still came, to do housekeeping and to monitor their well being.

"Ara, what is with all these mud in the house." You shook your head as you brought your hands on your hip. 


"Rengoku-san, lunch is ready." You said as you placed a tray outside the drunkard's room. You headed over to the kitchen where you spotted a red-yellow head sneaking out. "Rengoku-san." You said, startling the other Hashira. He came out from behind a wall holding a bucket of water. "HELLO Y/N, I WAS TAKING A BUCKET WAS WATER HAHAHA" he laughed nervously as he tried to slip away. You frowned and saw a bag of freshly made tempura in his hand, hidden behind his back. "HAHAHA I WASN'T DOING ANYTHING HERE-" "Rengoku-san, those are burnt." You said. He brought out the bag from behind, left it on the counter and ran away. You sighed as you took the bag of burnt tempura and threw it in the bin. You took two trays off the counter and walked into the dining room where Senjurou and Kyojurou was. You left the food on the table and stretched. 

"Y/n, are you staying until night?" Senjurou asked you. You shook your head and covered your mouth as you led out a yawn. "Nope, I need to cook for nii-San later." "Ah okay then, thank you for the lunch, see you next time." Senjurou said as he walked you off to the gate. "Mhm."

"I'll be off-" before you could finish, Senjurou pulled you by the sleeve and you turned to him. "Is father doing okay?" He asked, worried. You nodded and smiled, "somethings tells me he would be okay soon, just leave him be for now." You said, reassuring Senjurou. He nodded and bowed, then went into the estate.




"Nii-San? " you entered the house and see Muichirou and Giyuu playing shogi. Well both of them were all covered in dirt and blood. "Wow, you both got paired up for a mission and didn't tell me." You glared at the two. You sighed and went into your room where you kept all the bandages and medicine and brought them out to where the two are. You went to the kitchen to fill up a bowl of water and went to the living room once again and sat down in front of the two. "Was is a kizuki?" You asked as you bandaged your brother's wounds. Muichirou nodded and you sighed again. "Done. nii-san, go take a bath. Your injuries aren't minor so you can warm the bath yourself, call me if you need anything." Giyuu nodded as he stood up and left for the bathroom. 

You looked up and down at Muichirou and saw visible blood stains on his uniform. You facepalmed yourself as he unbuttoned his uniform. "Seriously sometimes you are too blunt to notice that you are injured."You took a look at his back, it was covered with scratches and wounds. You Sighed as you took a clean towel and dipped it in the water, in which you used it to clean the blood off his body. "Go to Shinobu next time when you are injured, Muichirou." He nodded as he watched you carefully clean his wounds.

"If it's not really major you can come see me but if it is too major then you have to go to Shinobu right away." You said as you bandaged his back.

"You know, if I'm dead one day and you forgot about your injuries you could seriously die." Muichirou eyes widened and turned around to face you. "Hey don't move-" "You can't die."

"Eh?" You looked up to see Muichirou looking straight in your eyes with a serious expression.

"You can't die."

"Muichirou you know that slayer's life aren-"

"If you die then what would I do?" Muichirou asked. You looked at him confused. Muichirou sighed rested his head on your shoulder. You patted his head smiled, "Don't worry, I don't plan on dying anytime soon, I promise." 

"Come, you still have injuries on your arm."

Fun facts:

There aren't any, too bad.

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