I Care(6)

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I waved good bye to Lauren and Lucy. Turns out, Lauren's not just beautiful on the outside, she is on the inside aswell. Her and Liam hit it of well, and I could tell Liam adored her just by the sight of her. At least someone's happy.

When I arrive home, I notice I am a mess. My hair knotted, and my eyes have slight black marks underneath them. Today was supposed to be fun, it started and ended with a little fun. That's about it.

All I want to do is crawl up into a ball, maybe lie there for the rest of my life. I was warned, I think when it's all over I'll remember Harry as a dream. Harry is everything that I thought I wanted when I younger, I knew Harry was too perfect, and his world was too perfect. How could I have, have ever known that my life would have those perfect moments I spent with him. I guess, I just got lost in the moments. The worst part wasn't losing Harry. It was losing perfect when I had just grasped it. I brought this on my own.

I do crawl up into a ball. My mind does drift off, and it does have perfect little moments with Harry in them. I don't cry. I don't have to, I have enough already. He's long gone, and I realize I still have her with me. Did , did I just call my small  bump 'her'? Maybe that's how I'll remember Harry. From that world I imagined when I first realized I was pregnant. Bouncing baby girl.

My dreams consist of her, and perfect moments and times and places where your life can stop and give you peace for a few days.


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When I wake up, I'm better. I'm better than, than what I was at least. I feel better. Maybe losing Harry was the best. Not.

I grab some clothes to put on, my head throbbing slightly from the night's previous events. Wait till I tell Cora. She'll probably rub it in  my face about how she was right.

I slip on some sweatpants, I honestly do not care what I look like today. My eyes wander to my cell phone after I put on long sleave grey shirt. My hair's a knotted mess, but I just do a quick updo. After checking on my cat, Potter, my only thought is to get this day over with. Along with the next, and the next day.

What I was thinking when I decided to get out of bed today was a mistake. Lucy keeps patting my back at work, and Parker demands that I cheer up. Doubtful, I shake them off . The day drags on until one older woman stops at the counter, a frown appearing on her face when she sees me.

"My, dearest. You look god awful darling." Her comment make me snap.

"I'm sorry. Do I look like I want to be wearing flowers and pretty pink clothes?" I shoot back, handing her books over roughly. She looks me up and down, shaking her head.

"What man would do such a thing, he's not worth fretting over princess," I raise an eyebrow, wondering why she's suddenly telling me what to do.

"He's a boy, not a man. And he certaintly was the best thing." I answer as she takes her bag slowly.

"If you like him, then stop moping around and get over him. If you love him, wait." Her words are strange, hell she's strange. She raises her head, nods to me, and leaves in her clippity clop heels like a high horse. Wait? For what? I shake my head. Old ladies really need to get a grip on reality.

When I finish helping around, Cora calls me.

"Lucy told me. I'm sorry." I'm shocked, surprised she didn't say something nasty.

"Shouldn't you be giving me one of your dating lectures?" I scoff, crossing my arms.

"No, I'm going to be a friend. We're going shopping." When I look up, she's in the door way smiling. I laugh slightly, closing my phone.

"Shopping? For what?"  I ask, she just smiles.

"Baby stuff. Like the icky grippy drippy stuff." I laugh again, then go to tell Parker and Lucy that I'll be going. Maybe today won't be as bad I thought. Maybe.


"So if it's a girl, how about this flower top?" I ask, holding up a pretty pink shirt.

"It's revealing. Do you want your daughter to grow up like that?" She makes a digusted face and I shake my head playfully. 

"Can we go now? It's boring." I smirk, seeing as she was the one who wanted to take me shopping.

"Okay. But can we stop and get some take out? No cooking for me." I state simply, but then the moment with Harry when we got take out comes back. I think about how his curls fell perfectly, and how he had boyish dimples.

"No, No, No! Stop thinking about that arse!" She shakes, raising her arms in the air. "I swear to god the next time I see him I will literally kill him!"

"Sorry." I stutter slightly, forcing a smile. "I'm fine really. Let's go." I answer. She smiles, but I can see she doubts it really. We leave the store after I pay, and Harry doesn't leave my mind when we get take out, or when I get home. In fact he doesn't leave my mind at all for the next few days. Even when I try to picture if Harry cared, it's hard not to feel the need to cry. It's hard not to.

On on tuesday, it's raining and I run around the corner into a coffee shop. It's my day off, and the whole day I've just been wandering glancing at all of Cheshire. I even passed by Harry's old highschool.

When I rush in, my hair is soaking wet and so is basically everything I have on. I sigh, and sit down at an empty booth. Today really is, simple. Simple Sophia.

"Sophia?" I hear a deep accented, and quite familiar voice say surprisingly. I jump, waking up form my view out the window and almost screaming.There sits Harry, opposite of me in the booth with his perfect curls swept aside, revealing his ivory green eyes that pear out from his dark brown eyelashes. My breath's caught for a moment, and he chuckles.

"Harry..?" I say, wondering how on earth we both ended up in the same coffee shop. He basically smothers me with his cheeky smile, but then he purses his lips and looks down.

"I'm so stupid, aren't I?" He says, his voice suddenly saddened. I remember I'm supposed to be upset, but just seeing my fantasy, I can't help myself.

"You're an arse," I begin, biting my lip slightly as nervousness overwhelms me. "But you are kind of stupid. But it's cute, really." My mind goes blank realizing what I just said. His smile returns again, his sparkly whites showing.

"No, but seriously. Sophia, I've tried everything to impress. You always blush at every compliment, and you run a cute book store. Your hair? Perfect, along with everything about you. Soph, I'm okay. I just need to know if you're okay with that baby," I literally falling, sliding out of the booth in shock.

"Sophia. I'll be there for you, and the baby. I know we just met, but I want to be there for you. I won't judge you."  And with that, he gets out of his booth, slides in next to mine, carefully places his fingers underneath my chin, and kisses me lightly, but with so much..I can't describe what. Harry's there for me. Handsome Harry.


So there it was! It was a longer wait, but this one I tried to make perfect!

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