// 19. is there somebody who can watch you //

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13 june, of 2007

'to my dearest gabby,

how have you been? it's been three months since you left, well if you're gonna ask me, 'm not doing really fine, still not used to you not being around me. you created a deep attachment with me so maybe that's why, y'know i miss you so much, every second, minute, and day. do you miss me too? i wonder if you're okay or found someone else to sneak at night with, talk about your life with, and your future. i hope not, well that's a bit selfish but i really hope not, please text me or maybe ring me up? i wonder, is there someone who can watch you while i'm not there beside you to do it? i miss your voice so much that i have to replay that video you sent to my mum on the time of the school fest just to hear you say my name. again, i miss you a lot. take care, i love you.

lots of love,
matty x'

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