// 11. fallingforyou //

Start from the beginning

"oh my god, amanda ditched you?" olivia — ross' date laughed, "i thought she liked you?" ross asked, "yeah she did, she actually conceded her feelings for me but i turn it down saying i can't return the favor" i explained while sipping my water.

"that's brutal" george was trying his best not to laugh at the scenario, "so she ditched you with some football guy because of that" adam started to laugh too.

gabby was giggling, holding back her laughter.

"so marty is all alone now" she looked at me pouted, teasing me, "i'm all fine, really" i assured them to not worry.

"attention everyone, right now we will be announcing this year's prom king and queen!!" the crowd cheered for the announcement.

and so it began, multiple people getting awarded of something, getting sashes and coming off the stage with wide smiles on their faces.

good for them.

i didn't really care about those and was not expecting anything, but oh lord i got something.

"announcing the recipient for the 'perfect gentleman' award, give around of applause for Matthew Timothy Healy!" the crowd cheered once again, gabriella was squealing and seemed to be more excited than me.

"go matty!" gabriella sent me off the stage, "thank you" i said as i received the certificate and a sash that said 'perfect gentleman'

took some photos and went down walking towards my friends with a smile plastered on my face.

ross was clapping really hard.

they seem to look so happy and proud of what i got, which was sweet. then adam got 'the classic man' award, 'ladies man' award for george and 'most photogenic (male)' for ross.

and bonus, best couple for ross and olivia.

me and adam were also awarded as best pals.

loads of awards were given and it was time for the final show; announcing this year's wilmslow high school's prom king & queen.

"and now, it's what all you've been waiting for, yeah? now announcing this year's prom king & queen..." the host adding a suspense, "may i call these two persons up here on stage, gabriella blythe partridge and elliot jameson smith!!" gabriella's jaw dropped by hearing her name.

she in all respect deserved the title, not sure about elliot though.

we cheered as i sent gabriella off to the stage. they handed her the certificate, put the sash on her as well as the prom queen crown, which is the thing all the girls in the room are dying to get.

"you may give your speech"

"erm..well.." she started off, looking so tensed about the situation she's in.

"thankful for those people who voted for me, i didn't really expected this so i have nothing ready to say. but i just wanna thank all of you, not only i get to have the title but as well as every women in this room, you don't need a crown to be a queen."

and the crowd gave a loud cheer for her, elliot did a speech too and they proceeded to get their pictures taken.

i guided gabby as she went down the stage, making sure she won't fall.

"the crown suits you" it really did, it was like, it's really destined to be hers — to earn the title.

"really? i didn't even expect to get it" she laughed, "gabriella, oh my that is a look" olivia said.

"you deserve it" adam said, and his partner agreed.

"thank you guys, congratulations to all of you!" she squealed with happiness.

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