Bella learning how to roll over part 3

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Doug- "looks like Lexie is still hungry"

Kamala- "she is, she didn't nurse for very long after our nap, she was only nursing for 10 minutes, so I knew she would be hungry shortly"

Doug comes into the family room a few minutes later

Doug- "Hey Meena, Maya, Shamalya, I'm guessing you saw Bella roll on her side, Lexie hasn't yet, but she's holding her toys and she kicking her feet on the play gym, and dinner is ready when you want to come to the table"

Meena- "Hey Uncle Doug"

Kamala- "Honey, thank you, can you please bring me a plate I'm hungry, and I can't get up at the moment, Lexie's having her dinner"

Doug- "of course I will"

Kamala- "thanks"

Amara- "Baby roll like this"

Amara rolls on the floor, and Leela sees Amara roll over, so she does the same

Shamalya- "aww this is so cute, look Amara and Leela are trying to help Bella"

Meena- "Amara, come here, Mommy's gotta put your bib on so you can eat dinner"

Amara- "Auntie"

Meena- "yes Auntie's having dinner, and so is Lexie"

Meena picks Amara up and puts her in her high chair and she has her bib on. "Uncle Doug made spaghetti" and here's some milk in your sippy cup.

Kamala- "Amara, I see your trying to help your cousins, they are too little to roll all of the way over like you and Leela, Aww look at Leela trying to show her baby cousin how to roll over."

Meena- "Auntie, Uncle, thank you for dinner, Can I take some home for Nick and Amara, she will want more when we get home"

Kamala- "of course, take him some garlic bread too"

Meena- "thanks, it's really good spaghetti"

Doug- "thank you, this is one of the things I can make with out help"

Kamala- "yes it is, I make the sauce and Dougie cooks the noodles"

Doug- "yes she does, I help with the sauce, I chop the onions while wearing onion goggles"

Kamala- "Dougie, can I have the burp cloth, Lexie is done with her dinner"

Doug- "sure, let me burp her while you finish dinner, before Bella wants hers"

Kamala- "thanks"

Doug puts his plate on the counter in the kitchen, and puts the burp cloth on his shoulder, and gently rubs Lexie's back and she burps a few minutes later. "That was a good burp"

Meena- "Amara, it's time to go home, we have to give Daddy his dinner, then it's bath time for you and Leela and then bed time, we are going to take your spaghetti home and if want more later you can have some"

Maya- "Amara, let's clean your hands first and your face, you have spaghetti sauce all over it and all over your hands, I don't think Auntie want spaghetti sauce all over"

Kamala- "thanks Maya, this is what I get to look forward too and no I don't"

Maya- "yes this is what you get to look forward too, and you will get it double"

Kamala- "yes I will and you know what I can't wait but I want to keep them little for as long as possible"

Maya- "yes you do, because they grow up so fast"

Kamala- "that they do"

Meena- "Amara, it's time to go home"

Amara- "otay, bye Auntie, Uncle, Baby, and Baby"

Amara walks over to where Kamala is sitting and gives her a hug on her legs and does the same to Uncle Doug.

Doug- "Bye Amara, remember you are Mommy's big helper, like your Auntie and I big helper"

Amara- "I pawmise Uncle"

Meena puts Amara's shoes on and Amara, "get your backpack"

Maya- "I have Leela in her carrier, and I got her diaper bag"

Shamalaya- "Kamala, Doug, thank you for dinner, and I wanted to tell Bella, that Grandma is so proud of you, I knew you could roll on to your side, and Lexie, I know your having your dinner, but I know you can hear me, you will do it soon, Grandma loves all of you"

Kamala- "you're welcome Mommy, I know she will soon, and when she does I will call you so you can see it, just like I did with Bella"

Shamalaya- "I can't wait, have a good night, I will call you tomorrow when I'm at lunch"

Kamala- "thanks Mommy, have a good day at work"

Shamalaya, Maya, Meena, Leela, Amara leave.

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