“You three were the most beautiful and healthy babies. Each time we brought you guy’s home, I couldn’t help but feel happy that God had blessed us with three perfect kids who were healthy, had both parents growing up, and a happy childhood. I didn’t think that anything could go wrong, but then we found out you had cancer,” my Mom began crying. “As a parent I felt like I did something wrong because you were always a happy baby, always smiling. I wanted to know where I went wrong in my duties as a parent because I couldn’t prevent this happening.”

“Oh, Mommy it’s okay,” I say sinking down onto the bed with her and I wrapped my arms around her. “No matter what I just want you to know that you were always the best parent that I could ever have because you did love me and you cared. I can’t imagine what it is like for Rhianan because her mom isn’t here for her anymore. You couldn’t stop cancer no matter what you did, but you’re doing your best. The best that any mother could do in a hard time like this, and I appreciate you so much for being there for me and supporting me. I love you.”

My Mom turned her body to the right some more so that she could hug me properly. “I love you too Sah’nai, so much.”

            After a few more sentimental moments with my Mother I rounded everybody up for dinner while she went downstairs to help Dad fix plates.

            The seating arrangements were a little different today seeing as Rhianan was staying over. Mom and Dad sat at the heads of the table, while Jasmine and I sat on one side and Robert and Rhianan sat on the other end opposite us.

            At first the conversation at the table was a little awkward, but then everybody got into how their days were and everyone began to talk affably. I clearly didn’t want to talk about how my day went and they respected that, so I just sat there eating my food while listening to their stories politely.

“Robert and Rhianan you two seem to be getting closer,” Mom mentioned looking at Dad.

“Yeah,” Robert said quietly his cheeks turning a light pink.

“Don’t get too close though,” Dad said with a stern voice. “Especially under this roof,” he added for good measure.

            Rhianan was red now and choking on her food while Robert patted her back, and I squirmed in my seat uncomfortably.

“That is so weird Dad, even to me. She was my best friend first,” I mumble curling my upper lip as I stabbed at pieces of lettuce with my fork.

“Well, it had to be said. Robert knows the rules.”

“Yeah I get it Dad,” Robert said through clenched teeth.

            I looked at Rhianan and frowned.

“Now what’s going on between you and Jared, Jasmine,” Dad asked looking into her hazel eyes and she glared at him, but eventually told him that Jared and her relationship was going good after a little guilt trip from him and Mom. She even mentioned that they were going to be celebrating their two month anniversary soon.

“What about you and Aiden Sah’nai? Your Dad filled me in on a little bit that’s going on. What happened?”

“What? Why are we being grilled about our relationships?” I asked confused. I’d talked about mine and Aiden’s relationship a total of three times today and that’s not even including Aiden and I conversation at the beach earlier.

“We just want to know what is going on in our children’s life. We’re only acting as concerned parents.”

“Oh. Well, long story short we broke up over a little misunderstanding and now we’re back together.” I say evasively telling the truth because I did misunderstand the lies Aiden were telling me.

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