Chapter 55. Snakes of Seiryuu Temple

Start from the beginning

I looked at the area Zero pointed out and saw Raine holding onto the dragon. He held on tightly to it and was trying his hardest not to fall off. After it stopped twisting and turning for a second, Raine bury his sword into its skin and the dragon letted out a roar. The sword made a bigger wound than it should had and blood uncontrollably flowed out. The dragon then transform back into the silver hair man and fell from the sky. They both then dropped into the water.

When Raine came out of the pond, he was carrying the silver hair man on his shoulder. The cloths on his left arm was deeply stained red. Tiny red droplets of water and blood still drop to the floor.

Zelphine: (moves closer) Hey! Are yo-

Silver hair man: (weakly) Don't...touch me.

Zelphine: (sigh) Fine then I won't.

I stepped back and took a deep breath. I then started singing and my eyes turned blue. There was a halo that appeared above me and shined a healing light towards the silver hair man. When I finish singing the silver hair man's left arm was fully healed up.

Silver hair man: (shocked) !!!

Zelphi: It should be alright now, my healing properties works faster than medicine.

Silver hair man:...Why..did you save me?

Zelphi: Because you aren't our enemy.

Silver hair man: (menacing) Thieves who steal Seiryuu's possessions are my enemies.

Zelphi: Oh, was that what all this is about? I see, there's been a misunderstanding. First off, we are not thieves. We want to borrow something from Seiryuu so that we can find him and all the other kings.

Silver hair man: (widens eyes) You'll...find Seiryuu. (Relaxes) If that's so, then follow me.

We follow the silver hair man into the temple, it was bigger than I expected. In the hall, we bumped into a man with black hair. He had golden color eyes and the number 666 on the bottom of his right eye. What's disturbing about him is that he has a black colored snake on his right arm.

Black snake guy: (concerned) Ryujin...your arm, why are your clothes stained with blood? Are you alright? Did you get injured?

The black snake guy checks to see if he's injured, he looks really concerned. But once he finds out that he's okay, he let out a sigh of relief.

Black snake guy: (relieved) Phew, I was worry there. It's a good thing you're not injured.

Ryujin: Maiba, I'm okay. That lady healed me.

The black snake guy came over and shook my hand really hard.

Maiba: (creepy smile) Thanks a bunch, It would cause a problem if Ryujin was left untreated. With that being said. (Turns to Ryujin) (menacing) Who was it that dares to hurt you!

Ryujin: It's alright. I'm-

Maiba: It was him wasn't it. (Points to Raine) I smell your blood on his sword. Not to mention it's a water dragon sword. The one that can seriously kill you!

Ryujin: Maiba it's al-

Maiba: (turns to Raine) (snake hisses) I won't forgive you!

Maiba charged towards Raine. Since Raine didn't want things to get complicated, he ran outside and waited for everyone there.

The people of this temple are very overprotective of Ryujin, I notice that they were all carrying snakes. Still, I'm curious. How can Ryujin be a dragon? I heard that 3000 years ago, Zephiel massacre all the dragons besides the Seiryuu. There shouldn't be any left. But since Ryujin is a dragon, that must mean he is a survivor from it. But that's like from 3000 years ago, how is he still so young?

As we were walking, we stopped by the side of the pond to see a girl feeding the water snakes. She had light blonde hair that was almost white. Her eyes are blue and she was holding a red bowl filled with small fish eggs.

Ryujin: Lamia, wher-

Lamia: (gasp) Ryujin! Your's (tearing up)

Ryujin: (sigh) Relax, I'm not injured. (Shows her his arm)

Lamia: Haa..(wipes away tears) What a relief.

Ryujin: Do you know where Elder Orochi is right now.

Lamia: Elder..I think she's praying at the usual place.

Ryujin: Thanks Lamia. (Turns towards us) This way.

Ryujin finally led us towards a room that has the scent of incense. Inside, I see a small girl kneeled to the floor praying. She had silver hair and red eyes. There was a red mask parted to the side of her face and two white snakes coiled at her neck. She turned around when she heard us coming in.

Orochi: Ryujin! You're injured!(Checks his arm) (relived) Thanks goodness you're safe. I don't want to lose you like Lord Seiryuu. You're our only hope for the revival of the dragon race.

Ryujin: Elder, these people need an item from our lord, they said that they would find lord's alright, we can trust them, they saved my life.

Orochi: Is that so. (Turns towards me) I have to thank you for saving Ryujin.

Zelphi: Not at all, but can I ask why he is here. I heard that the dragons were wiped out 3000 years ago.

Orochi: You see, lord Seiryuu knew Zephiel was coming. The best he could do was hide an unborn dragon egg somewhere Zephiel can never find. He also concealed it with magic and preserved it. Because of that, the egg didn't hatch for many thousand of years. Then finally 50 years ago it hatched and Ryujin came out of it. With Seiryuu gone, Ryujin is our last hope for the dragon race. This temple, it used to be filled with dragons, but now...Ryujin is the only one left.

Zelphi: I see, no wonder the gorgons here are over protective of him.

Shiki: (frowns).....

Orochi: Gorgons?

Zelphi: Yeah, isn't that what you call snake people.

Orochi: There's been a misunderstanding. We are not gorgons, gorgons are demon female snakes with the upper body of a woman and a lower body of a snake. They have snake-like hair and of course the infamous ability of turning people into stone when people look into their eyes. But the snakes in the beast land are called Hebi's. We are natural snake charmers and can turn into a snakes as well.

Zelphi: Oh..sorry for the misunderstanding.

Orochi: No problem. Now, Ryujin tells me that you need an item to find Seiryuu. Is that correct?

Zelphi: Yes.

Orochi: I see, wait here for a moment.

Orochi went behind the Seiryuu statue and pulled out a box with a dragon design. When she opened it, there was a blue stone the size of a golf ball.

Orochi: This is Seiryuu's dragon stone. It is the sacred weapon east of the beast land. Here, take it with you and may the Kami protect you on your journey.

I took the blue stone, it was light and it shines brightly in the sun.

Ryujin: Elder, I want to go find Seiryuu with them.

Orochi: Absolutely not! You're the last of your kind! You have to stay here or else the race of dragons will surely face extinction!

Ryujin: Elder...please. I want to save save the last of my kin. Seiryuu's grown old, he may not have that many years left. I at least want to see him one last time before I become the last of my please.

Orochi: (tearing up) I..I understand. But..sniff, it's still hard to accept.

Orochi ran over and hugged Ryujin. Outside, I heard many people crying. When I open the door, I saw the snake people eavesdropping on us. They were crying their eyes out.

Orochi: (dries tears) Miss, I beg of you. Please take care of Ryujin for me.

Zelphi: Don't worry, he'll be safe with us.

After that, we left the temple with Seiryuu's dragon stone and Ryujin.

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