- Chapter 64: Twenty One -

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Todays May 6th

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Todays May 6th. Yeah, no big deal for normal people. But I have a husband who's born tomorrow. Wait, no, it's Zade's birthday tomorrow.

I bought him the MotoGP race tickets for the next fucking race in Italy on the Mugello Circuit.

But still, Zade's turning 21 tomorrow. The legal drinking age in Colorado. I've had access to liquor since I was fucking born, but I didnt start drinking till I'd turned 16, I mean, the first time I drank wine was when I was 11 and I thought it was disgusting.

But now I like red wine. I don't love drinking it though, nor do I love drinking anything else alcoholic. You could say it's a trigger, it brings back memories of those days. What's a worse trigger is cigarette smoke, it brings back an image and a feeling all too familiar.

Anyways, I am getting Zade drinks. I know he's gonna get blacked out drunk and I think drunk him will be funny. He's been responsible before. Like whenever we go to our dad's places for Thanksgiving, theres always alcohol, and no one would tell if he drank some, but he never has.

I bought Laphroaig scotch and Pinot Noir wine. I'll probably take all the wine.

Anyways, Zade said whatever I do for his birthday, not to make it too big. So I invited Ryder, Estella since they were in town along with Lorenzo, Ivy, Carlos and their boyfriend, and Zade's dad said he didn't wanna be in a huge party because he had to go back to Aspen on monday so he dropped off everything today and spent the day with Zade and left like an hour ago.

Zade's birthdays on a sunday. Probably the worst day to get shitfaced.

Neither of us have too many friends so big parties are stupid.



"Can you help with this?", he called from upstairs. I went upstairs and saw him sitting down on the bed.

"I don't need help with anything, I'm just lonely because you were halfway across the world from me.", he said dramatically. I shook my head at him and sat down beside him.

"You're still too far away.", Zade said. He picked me up and sat me down in his lap.

"Okay get off now, I wanna color."

"You're a bitch.", I said as I shifted so I was sitting on his thigh.

"Don't swear.", Zade told me. He got up and took out his box of color pencils and a dragon coloring book out from his shelf that I recently organized.

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