- Chapter 26: Shelter -

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"Ryder! M'boy, how have you been?", I hear Dad say once he opens the door

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"Ryder! M'boy, how have you been?", I hear Dad say once he opens the door. Too cheery Dad..

I see them both walk over to the living room, where I was sitting and reading The Assassins Curse.

Really good book, I totally recommend for everyone.

"Ryder!", I say and then stand up to greet him.

We both sit down and start conversation when Dad gets up and says "I'm going to leave you guys to talk, gotta get some work done."

"How've you been?", I ask

"Better. A lot better. Old people give amazing advice.", he said, referring to his grandparents.

"They really do.", I said, referring to Dad, Mr. Bailey and Arabella.

"What've you been up to?", I asked.

"Work. You said you got accepted into SpringView right?", He asks to confirm.

I nodded, in confirmation.

"What school did you apply to?", Ryder has always wanted to become a football player or join the military.

"University of Altair.", He says, with a slightly upset look on his face.

Altair was all the way in California, he'd be so far away..

"That's so far.. did you get accepted?", I asked.

"Yes.", He said, letting out a breath of relief.

I'm going to miss having him around. I usually saw him everyday.

"We'll see eachother every.. four months or something.", I said.

"We will, but hey, we'll both be grown bitches and be settled, then we can fool around every day again.", He tried to cheer me up.

"That's good, but I will miss you.", I admitted.

"I'm not leaving until another two months you fucktard.", He said, flicking my forehead.

If anything, I'm glad that a long ass talk from his grandparents made him get on the track to being okay again, I'm happy.

"Oh yeah shutup.", I said, rolling my eyes and relaxing my back on the sofa, making me slouch.

Arabella would've pinched my back and said "You look like the letter C you bitch ass."

That reminds me..

"Ryder, I got a girlfriend.", I said, excited go share the news.

"Wait, do you actually like like her this time?"

".. Yes."

"Oh my fuck, the days finally here oh my fuck!"

"What day.?", I question cluelessly.

Arabella AnastasiWhere stories live. Discover now