- Chapter 49: Esperanza -

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I rlly dont wanna end this book, but alas, its comin to aj end 😔

in like 69696969696969 more chapyer🤪🤪🤪

in like 69696969696969 more chapyer🤪🤪🤪

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"One.", I yelled, and Ivy punched.

"Two.", I yelled again, and watched Ivy's stance.

"Three.", Ivy punched harder but her stance faultered.

"Ivy.", I said and she punched again, not processing that I hadn't said 'four'.

She took a moment to realize her mistake and when I gave her the look she mumbled: "Concentration is key."

"Yes, it certainly is but so is your stance. If you stand correctly, your punches,", I positioned myself into the correct punching stance, "will be flawless.", and then I demonstrated a heavy punch on the bag.

"This shit is too hard.", Ivy groaned.

"Just because you're not 12 anymore, doesn't mean you can swear. It'll take time, you're gonna be alright, just focus and try your best.", I said, giving her the best pep talk of my life.

"You're such an amazing pep-talk giver.", Lorenzo came in and started clapping slowly with a smile.

"I should be a motivational speaker.", I said and put my elbow on his shoulder, even though he was taller than me.

We both stared at Ivy like she was the schools best science project.

I can't put it any other way, I'm sorry.

"I'm taking her from here, you go, dad's calling you.", Lorenzo said and the put his hand on Ivy's upper back and pushed her to the sparring ring.

"Arabella, I don't plan to die today, help!", Ivy called back at me and I laughed in response.

I walked the long ass walk to the third floor and took the hall that leads to Dad's office.

I saw a few men on my way there, and nodded in greeting to them.

Respect is everything around here and the smallest recognition of respect goes a long way.

"Hey dad.", I said as I walked into his office.

"Where've you been hiding for a month?", Dad asks as he raises ans amused eye brow.

"Zade's place.", I said, not bothering to explain more.

Dad nodded, and then spoke: "You called the other day about two men, named Jailynn and James having been sent to kill you.", he pauses, "Are you sure they're dead?"

"I killed them, yes."

"Remember the picture you sent of their face? I did an ID scan on them. There isn't that much known except that they were street theives until someone came up to them with an opportunity. Everything's blurry after that, nothing is clear."

Arabella AnastasiDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora