- Chapter 4: Friends -

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This chapter gave me a stroke while writing. Idk why, I just died.

School is by far one of the worst places to be

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School is by far one of the worst places to be. It stinks, its as old as the temples or Malta and its boring and full of humans, alive humans.

It's not one of my main priorities and dad even said it shouldn't be. My missions and training are my main priority not school.

I go to school when I have time to, which is like once or twice a week. My teachers and principal have learned not to question my whereabouts because I don't respond to them, I'm a waste of time, and I always catch up with my work, well thats because my older brother makes me.

He says 'You can't do anything if you don't have proper education' and he stresses most on math and geography because I have to calculate everything and know coordinates, climates of places and stuff when I'm on a mission.

Anyways, I'm at school right now, I don't have any hits or missions this week. This week is probably the most frequent I've ever been and yes I'm complaining.

Theres 15 minutes until this class is done and Mr.Tracey doesnt even think of stopping me when I pull out a book in the middle of his lecture.


The bell finally rings and guess who has to stay after class.

Me. That's fucking who.

"Natalie, you can't just get up and leave class without permission. Its your last year of high school and all the teachers are sick of you. Yes you have good grades, great I might even say, but its very disrespectful when you don't pay attention or walk out of class or never respond to anyone who talks to you." says Mr. Tracey

Whys he so pressed now.? Its been happening since grade 9, the fuck.

Just like always, I don't give an answer.

He probably thinks I'm a robot or something.

Ducks are rapists in the animal world.

What the fuck.

"See you're not answering again. The entire four years that I've been your teacher, I've never heard you talk before."

That's a talent.

"Natalie, answer me. Why? Why do you always have your hood up? Why is there a mask covering your face? Do I need to call your father?"

Natalie Evans is the name I go by at school. The students don't know my name, just the teachers.

When I don't respond he pulls out a red folder.

I know that folder all too well. It has detention and suspension slips.

"You left me no choice, you have detention for a week for not submitting homework this last week, and for showing disrespect. Detention starts tomorrow and I know you're an irregular student so every day you do come to school, you have detention right after. You may leave." He said signing the slip and handing it to me.

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