- Chapter 58: Coffee Shop -

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Arabella sat across from me in the little coffee shop beside my university

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Arabella sat across from me in the little coffee shop beside my university.

I started coming here just for the fun of it.

Anyways, I'm eating some Christmas cookies and Arabella's sipping on iced coffee, acting all professional and shit while she reads her book.

I need her to talk to me solely because I'm bored.

"Arabella stop reading.", I said, suddenly annoyed at her.

"Shut up, Zade.", she said as she smiled at what ever the fuck was happening in her book.

"What is this issue you have to argue against everything I say?", I asked rhetorically.

"Well, arguing with you is my day's biggest accomplishment.", she said as she closed her book and set it on the side. Arabella looked at me as she took a sip of her coffee.

"That's funny, because it's my biggest accomplishment too.", I said nonchalantly. I actually love arguing with Arabella, it's so fun. She always responds weirdly, like the good kinda weird. Anyways, it's just entertaining.

"You always loose though.", she said. Here's another argument that I can pick.

"No I don't.", I responded.

"Sure you don't.", Arabella said with a small laugh.

I took a couple bites of my cookie and then put my head down into my arms.

I didn't hear anyone approach our table until they spoke.

"Hi.", a guy said.

"Hi?", Arabella awkwardly responded as she lifted her head up.

"Uhm, could I buy you anything? A drink maybe?", he asked. I didn't bother lifting my head up, instead, I silently laughed.

Arabella kicked me from under the table, I tried not to make noise.

"Uhm, well, I'm actually-", Arabella started but then got cut off.

"A Christmas gift,", he said, "to new friends.", he's hitting on her.

I doubt Arabella heard him add, "Maybe more than friends."

"I'm actually not interested.", she said slowly like she does when ever something makes her uncomfortable, "I have a boyfriend too so..", I lifted my head up to look at her.

"But-", he started.

"You heard her man, she's not interested.", I spoke up. He looked at me for the first time. He has blonde hair and brown eyes. The easiest way to put this is that he looks like the Walmart version of Lorenzo.

"If she has a boyfriend then-", he started.

"I'm her boyfriend,", I laughed.

He looks so embarrassed, I feel bad, but then again, you don't approach any woman. Especially if she looks emo.

Arabella AnastasiWhere stories live. Discover now