+18 Epilogue

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We are laying in the bed, naked but not going further than kissing. He comes up for air his gaze caressing me

"Don't look at me like that. You just came home from the hospital; kissing is all you get." 

"You're stingy." 

I sulk and he laughs leaving wet trails on my neck

"Say! Do you still like women?" 

He glances up 

"Yeah. Amongst men, you're the only one I want. I think I can date a woman not that I intent to" 

This bastard. I snort

"So, I have to fight both parties to win you over?" 

He realizes the reference and grins

"You don't have to win me over. You have me wrapped around your little finger." 

I plant a chaste kiss on his chest

"As if, you would do anything I say?" 

He senses something is off but plays along

"I would."

"Can we do funny stuff then?" I plead.

"Like what?" His eyes are dancing amused.

"Like me riding you" I mumble and he chuckles. 

"That won't be possible. We can do something more domestic" 

He points out his hand roaming on my body. God! He makes me flustered. 

"Like I sit on you and we drink tea while you're inside me" 

That earns me another throaty laughter. 

"That's not physically possible" 

He kisses my nape lazily as I grunt sulking. 

"Ok. You're right the tea might spill on me. How about I sit on you and you read me books? What does physics say about that?" 

He slaps my shoulder lightly, snorting.

"Physic condemns that as far as I know" 

He is good at this game. Not budging an inch.

"Screw physics then! How about chemistry? I was always good at it and I believe we have good chemistry let's put it to work. A bit of your sparkling sodium in my wet Erlenmeyer can make an explosion. What do you say?" 

He sniggers amused and flips me on my back, looking into my eyes.

"It's not fair to use chemistry for dirty talk." 

He rasps his eyes darkening.

I cup his face whispering

"Is there any subject you like? What's your favorite subject?"


And that single word muttered in pure desire does weird things with my insides. I steal my eyes, heat rushing to my face. 

"What? You got shy all of a sudden?" 

He says under his breath leaning in for a long kiss, he takes his time devouring my abused lips.

**" How about this? I put it between your legs. I'm already hard at this rate. Is that ok with your body?" 

I blink in shock at his bold suggestion

"I'd love that" 

He throws his head back laughing, his Adam apple bobbing. 

"You sound very enthusiastic. Let me take the lube! I don't want to burn your skin." 

I Always Come Back for You Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now