+18 Chapter 19. Part 2.

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Graphic description of sexual actions. please read with caution!

**I think that worst-case scenario I won't like it and take it out. Easy peasy. Well, that's easy in words but ten minutes later, spread on a towel on the bathroom floor trying to shove the lube-coated plug up my ass while my body is rejecting the entrance I think otherwise. I breathe hard, pushing the plug further in, my body resisting the intrusion, pushing it back. Tears slide down my eyes at the burning sensation like I'm on fire down there finally I push the object up till the base hits my skin and I secure it there. Oh god. This feels strange, my body weighing on the outsider object. This is not like Dae Sung's penis, it's artificial and silicon while Dae Sung's is hot, firm, and pulsing flesh that adds pleasure. Yet the fullness stimulates a similar vibe as being rammed. What is next then? Should I have this up my butt going around the house? That won't be possible since the stretch and the pressure makes breathing hard. I should look up what to do next? I think I should jerk off with this thing in me. 

Darn. I left my phone in the living room. Now that my body has accepted the foreign object, the ring of my muscle closing around the width, I can pull up my underwear to go look for my phone. Once I stand, the tip of the plug points to that crippling spot in me brushing it gently and I'm stuck at my spot. 


I shudder involuntarily, holding on to the wall to find my way to the living room. With each step, the pointy head pushes further in me tipping the gland and I whimper. I sit on the couch positioning the thing in me deeper and squeak. It's not bad in fact. It's tickling, burning, and vibrating. I let out a long breath fully aware of the plug inside me. Right now, I hear the beep of a password and the next thing I know, Dae Sung is in the living room, observing me sweat like a running horse. 

" You're pale. Are you alright?" 

I know my grave has been dug. I should get rid of the plug. 

I pant "No. Yes. I'm fine." 

I fidget under his serene eyes and bite my lips to stifle a moan. 

"Come to the kitchen. I brought some sweets" 

He says after pondering for a while. God. He can't find out. I let him leave then I get up with difficulty to notice that I'm hard down there. Awesome! How I'm supposed to cover this now? I tug at my shirts' hem and tail him to the kitchen, chewing my lips. He is busy plating the pastry, I sit quickly hiding my hard-on but once my butt hits the chair a groan leaves my mouth. He turns around, eyeing me suspiciously. 

"You're sure you are fine?" 

"Hm... Ah...yes." 

It's impossible to sit like this and hold it in any longer, I clutch the tablecloth. 

"If you say so." He sits not convinced. 

"Look about what you said yesterday..." 

God. No. It's right at my prostate. 

"Can we talk about...this later?" 

I whine at my limit, my penis twitching in my pants making me hyperaware. 

"You don't want to talk?" He asks his eyes narrowing. 

"I can't... Please let me go" 

I really want to get up and leave but I can't move an inch without the torturing device hitting my gland. 

"You're acting strange. What's going on?" 

My head drops on the table, my body shivering

"If I tell you, you will kill me." 

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