Chapter 8. Part 2.

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"My crush acts weird lately" I text Jong Hyun. 

"Mine too!"

"You've got a new crush? 

"Yeah! I might quit freelancing for a while." 

"Sounds serious and by freelancing you mean night cruising? Lol!"

" Whatever. He is Japanese, his name is Shin, he is writing an article about South East Asian street food here."

"Sounds interesting.'

"Yeah. Now tell me why you think your crush, that I'm going to pretend I don't know who he is, is acting odd?"

"I don't know. He acts nice to me, shares things, ok! Disturbing things that I'm better off without knowing them, but he shares and he doesn't seem to mind skinship as much I thought he would. I mean his job is in a way that he doesn't mind. I can't say more." 

"Ok. Ok. I got it. I know that mysterious crush of yours had a job involving pretending to be gay. But it's two different things to act gay or truly desiring a man. I won't go into anatomy but you get it"

"ok. Now I'm nervous. I'm heading to his place"

"just act normal!" 

I type an ok and look at the building. After the last unnerving talk with Dae Sung on Sunday, we didn't talk. But last night he called me to drop by today after work saying he wanted my opinion about something regarding some matters in his company. So here I am. I ring the bell once and wait fidgety. Behind the door a bark welcomes me and then Dae Sung appears in the frame

"Hi! Come on in." 

He ushers me and the jumpy dog to the living room. 

"Sit! I'll bring us something to drink."

He strolls toward the kitchen

"Thanks!" I sit as the dog keeps sniffing me and circling around me. 

"Sorry buddy! Your daddy doesn't like me touching you. I'm not ignoring you on purpose." 

I whisper to the playful dog. Dae Sung glances up from the counter

"It's ok. You can scratch him. He loves it." 

Has his mood swung again? 

"Naah! You don't want him to get attached to a stranger I get it" 

His lips twist in a melancholic smile

"He gets attached to people who touch him very quickly so I tried to protect him. But it's too late already." He says that more to himself than me. 

" You sure?" 

" Yeah! Go ahead! Have mercy and pick him up. He is dying to get your attention. He thinks you don't love him" 

I look down at the dog and bend to reach him

"But that's not true. I love you. You're super cute. I was afraid your daddy get mad at me." 

I scratch behind his ears and he melts under my touch. I squeeze him to my chest

"God! You're so adorable" I kiss his ear. 

"That's the point of no return. You should take responsibility." 

Dae Sung says as he brings the beverages. 

" I will." 

"Doggy. Go play with your toy. Go!" 

And when the dog jumps down my lap he gives me an odd look. 

I Always Come Back for You Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now