Chapter 18. Stupid Mistake and Its Consequences

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My smile widens underneath the mask I'm wearing once I see Jong Hyun outside the appointed café. I guess he is also smiling happily to meet me after a long time

"Long time no see!" 

I say when I reach him and bow ridiculously since we are not to touch, because of the social distancing. He mirrors me laughing lightly

"Dara! I missed you, man!" 

 "Same here. I haven't been out for ages. I didn't know the businesses have started to reopen. Even eating places and such! I was kept in the dark." 

He ushers me in 

"You are a kept-boy now?" 

I push his shoulder

"That's not true. I'm at my own place. My company asked us to go to work just for half a day before someone in my department got sick, so they sent us back home. It's just I don't get to go out if not for work." 

We sit in a cubic and he gestures for the lady to come and take our order. 

"So, Rapunzel! How does it feel to be out?" 

I laugh. "It's good. I scheduled a full day to meet people. I just met Fabio, my colleague this morning and I'm meeting Hyung and Dae Sung for dinner" 

"Wow! Slow down on social contact bro. You might overdose!" 

The waitress arrives asking our order. 

"Cappuccino for me." 

"I want something cool. It's getting warm. Maybe an iced coffee?" 

We order and he turns to me

"I can't believe people are getting used to living like this." 

"Human is flexible like that. I guess that's how we survived thousands of years of disasters and came out somehow stronger" 

His eyes deepen and he takes his mask off

"Sometimes I forget how deep you can get." 

" You're not that shallow either." 

"Puff. Right. Tell me what happened with Mr. Straight?" 

My eyes dodge his "We slept together." 

He whistles "Wow! Nice! So, are you what now? Boyfriends?" 

Now is my turn to scoff.

"Gee! I don't think so. I mean I think he wants me. That's what he said. But I don't know if there is more to it." 

"What you're saying is that you are not sure what he feels about you" 

"What can I say? I'm a stupid sentimental." 

"Naah. I'm not judging you for seeking his affection. But at least he likes you. No?" 

"I guess." 

"Well, I know some wicked ways to make sure" 

"I'm not sure I want to use your methods. But I'm curious. Enlighten me!" 

"Why don't you try making him jealous? If a guy gets possessive over his partner that's an ultimate stage of liking for them." 

"That's a false theory. And I don't think he is the jealous type. He is aloof and mature" 

"Puff. Throw me a slack here. I met the guy and he was about to tear me to pieces. That's why I kissed you just to get on his nerves." 

I remember that odd encounter in my place but what Jong Hyun doesn't know is that Dae Sung was already mad over other matters, not his wicked peck. 

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