Chapter 11. Part 2.

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Two days in and I'm going insane, not because of the lockdown, but because of a certain someone who withdrew, and shut himself in, again after fondling me that night. Every time I feel I'm getting close to him; he starts shutting me out. These last two days we barely saw each other, he was busy with designing things and long video calls and I tried to stay sane and do my job remotely. I'm bored out of my mind. Flipping through a book I throw it aside, sighing. Then climb down the stairs to find something to do. Dae Sung is not in the sight, I assume he is in his room or the balcony. I slump on the couch spotting the script Dae Sung was rehearsing. 

"An Easy A. An Easy Professor" I start reading aimlessly and I find myself drawn to the plot as it has so many turns and twists. 

"What do you think?" 

I glance up to see Dae Sung, standing above me, curious. 

"Um. Is it against the rules that I'm reading this? I'm practically the third party in the confidentiality clause of your contract." 

He smiles and sits next to me

" How do you know that?" 

" Duh! I had to sign a similar one for our play." 

" You're a good actor" 

"That's flattering. But I was wavering. Wasn't sure it was my thing at the moment. But in all honesty, I can't imagine, pulling off these characters or dialogues. I mean this woman really is something. No? Like she says very suggestive things with a straight face. Who talks like that in the real world? And does that even work? Like here' She is hanging from his neck, whispering in his ears "I want you.' God my ears are burning just from reading it. Are you sure this is going to air? Where did that fake innocence go?" 

He laughs lightly

 " You think no one talks like that in real life?" 

"Well, not everyone is lucky as you to have multiple admirers -Miss. Hand and me- some of us never get to use these cheesy romantic lines in practice even once in life. I can't possibly pull that off." 

" You were pretty convincing that day reading her lines." 

My face flushes by that reference. 

" Even so, in real life would you find it irresistible and seductive if I lean close to you and murmur 'do you desire me'?" 

I inch closer for dramatic effects getting into his face, he blinks

"Wouldn't you laugh? What would you tell me if I said that? Huh?" 

He stares at my eyes not budging.

"I wouldn't laugh" 

I grip his collar to bring him closer

"Come on! Be honest. I guess it was sexy for the writer but in practice it's awkward." 

His face is mere inches away from mine

"Do you desire me?" I whisper, expecting him to burst into laughter but his face is so serious that I hesitate. 

"Yes. I desire you." He rasps, his eyes locked to my lips. I drop my hand suddenly losing my grip on him, pulling myself back. 

" Ah...Hmm. You're really a good actor. Keep your composure like that. Was that the right line though? I don't think that's what Sang Hyang is supposed to say. The point is I don't think this works." I cough to swallow the discomfort. 

"Let's play pool. You seem bored" He says stealing his eyes.

That's an odd change of subject but it's a delightful suggestion so I take the bait. 

" Yeah. A payback game for the last time you won?" 

He gets up, a sly smirk forming in the corner of his mouth.

"Then double or nothing? If you win I won't claim the prize from the last time but if you lose, you have to be punished twice" 

"Punished? Is my punishment your prize? And when did you become a member of the BDSM club?" 

And when he snorts I shudder

"But seriously, how good are you in the pool? Just to prepare myself" 

He gives me a side glance that I find it mischievous. 

"I'm not that bad" 

I tail him up the stairs "Well, let's say I'm screwed. We should discuss the terms of my punishment in that case. I don't like whips, and I guess plugs. But I don't mind being gagged with a ball. Spanking has its allures, I must say. The thing is I have mixed feelings towards pain." I say mockingly. 

He ruffles my hair, laughing. " You ramble when you're nervous." 

We get to the pool table and stop. 

"I can't help it. I'm not good at pool, my aiming sucks and I was just bored, wanted to kill time, then you talked about punishment and now all I can think is me bending over the pool table being gagged and spanked." I retort. 

He narrows his eyes 

"I was going to go easy on you. But your careless tongue has put you in bad trouble. Know that you brought this upon yourself" 

Did I go far with that punishment joke? Urgh! Now he is going to roast me for real. 


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