Chapter 4. Part 2.

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I wake up in an unfamiliar room with a light covering me like a blanket. Outside, I hear people talking and it takes my drained mind a minute to catch up with the last night's events and my whereabouts. I'm in Hyung's room, wearing his fluffy pajamas. They are oversized and funny and I look ridiculous in them but they are warm. God. It's eleven already. Thank god for Sundays. I get up to find my way to the living room while rubbing my puffy eyes. I am getting old now that I sleep this much. Once I see Hyung sitting on his comforter two other heads turn to me at the same time; Jun In Woo and Dae Sung. Recently, I wake up to the scenes familiar to this one. I push my hair back off my face feeling self-conscious in the funky pajamas. 

"Good morning" I wave like an idiot wishing to disappear this instant. 

The men stare at me and Hyung puts down the paper in his hands

"You look cute disheveled and groggy." His tone is mocking. 

"ha-ha! Jokes on you!" I retort. 

Dae Sung goes back to the papers in his hands, seemingly profiles of newcomers in the industry but Mr. Jun keeps looking between me and Hyung shocked. 

"What did I wake up to anyway? You seem busy. I will be out of your hair soon just give me time to fresh up" 

I turn to get my clothes that Dae Sung's voice stops me

"Because that's your solution for everything? It's uncomfortable, so you run? " 

I turn around with rounded eyes, meeting his challenging look. In Woo breaks the awkward silence

"I just remember you two have a bad history, Dae Sung. No?" 

I walk toward the washroom

"I wouldn't call it that. Let's say Mr. Grumpy here doesn't like me." 

I joke unamused and Dae Sung raises an inquiring eyebrow before I close the door. When I come out Hyung is busy getting oatmeal and milk

"Come and eat something." 

"Oh. No. Throw me a slack here. Don't mother me!" I groan stomping toward the kitchen secretly enjoying the attention. 

"I can't believe I collapsed for pulling an all-nighter. I remember this time you dragged me on the stage after 48 hours of practice and told me to dance with blistered feet even and if I passed out you'd take me back up there with an IV in my wrist." 

I say chewing a mouthful of oatmeal then I see In Woo's surprised look I realize what I just said. "You were a trainee?" 

In Woo asks while Dae Sung keeps his head down in the papers. I don't know what to answer to that, sometimes I tend to say the stupidest things. Instinctively I cling from Hyung's sleeve who is standing next to me 

"Yes! He was! but he quit." Hyung says hurriedly. 

And the awkward silence is back. 

"I didn't have what it takes to be an idol." 

I complete the statement and that hits close to home. I wasn't built for that world. an Another silence. 

"His voice is horrible." Hyung adds in an attempt to lighten the mood. In Woo sighs in relief 

"That makes sense. Seeing a young boy in your clothes in your bed, so close to you I thought...I mean... I mean Joon Woo you don't get that close with people. But seeing that, especially a pretty boy like him..." 

"He is sick." Dae Sung cuts off In Woo's interesting deduction. "The boy is ill, that's why he took him home last night. So, he could take care of him. Last night we had to take him to hospital" 

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