Chapter 15. Let's Be Honest

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God! Days are so long it's killing me. Remote working is not a good idea at all. Seven days have passed and he hasn't even texted. I talked to Hyung without mentioning that I'm back at my place and he said that Dae Sung is quite busy with a packed schedule. That makes sense since he hasn't noticed my absence yet. I lean back to the wall scrolling down my phone bored to death. My phone goes off. I stare at the screen; It's Dae Sung. I pick up quickly. 


"Where are you?" 

I don't get a greeting? 


"Then why I can't see you?" 

Is he at the garden house? 

"Um... I meant I'm at my place." 

There is a pause on the other side of the line and then a sharp breath. 

"When did you leave? By the look of rotten vegetables in the kitchen, it's been a few days no?" He sounds angry. 

"I left the same day you left. " 

" And you didn't even bother to tell me? I got a day of break running back home to check on you to find that you're not there? Is this what I get in return?." 

Guilt nestles in my heart. 

"Sorry! You must be tired. You should have spent your break resting, not to look after me. I'm sorry for ruining it." 

"What are you talking about? Why did you leave? And you better have a good reason."

"I do. But we have to talk face to face." 

"I'm not sure when would be my next day off." 

"Then... Whenever you're free let me know. I owe you an explanation." 

"Damn right you do. Did you take a taxi home? Do you do your own shopping?" 

"It's fine. I'm fine. I'm not getting sick. You don't have to worry anymore." He grows quiet. 

" What's wrong with you?" 

"Nothing. Let's talk when you are free." 

"Is this all I get as an answer? I came all the way to this freaking house in the suburb and get no explanation?" 

"I'm sorry for wasting your time"  Up until now. I sigh. 

"You can yell at me all you want next time we meet." 

Before my words finish he has already hung up. That didn't go well.


My phone rings. 


"You better be prepared to be roasted by that angry beast you have woken up." 

" What? Are you drunk?" 

"No. You idiot. But you better use that running skill of yours since a mad dog is coming to you!" 

He shouts through the phone. Ouch! 

"Hey! Have mercy on my ears. Can you talk in human language?" 

"Human language? Ok. Dae Sung has been on the edge lately. He was murdering me today on the set. We have just a few more days to finish and with the pandemic, everyone is very anxious as it is. So, I tried to calm him down and I was almost killed when I brought you up. I took a day off for him from the producer and he took off saying he had an unfinished business. So, I think whatever has gotten on his nerves is related to you and he is coming to you right now. Better be ready for it boy." 

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