Chapter 15. Part 2.

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I buzz the bell, my hands shaking. I hear the welcoming bark of Doggy but no sign of him when the door opens and Dae Sung shows up composed and stoic as always. God. I missed him. No. No. No. But what does he have to say? Why did he wait so long to talk to me after that day he stormed out? Don't overthink. 

"Hi. Come in." He orders and lets me in. 

"Hi. It's been a while." 

His eyes narrow 

"Sit! I made tea." 

"So, this time we are in for a chitchat I assume" 

"That impudent mouth on you!" He chastises, closing his eyes to calm himself. He comes back with tea and sits in front of me. 

"That day, I was so angry I was afraid if I stayed any longer I would do something horrible. That's why I left but that doesn't mean I didn't have anything to say." 

He preaches and I listen nervously

"You made mistakes. Various mistakes. First, a breakup as you said happens between two people. You couldn't decide that on your own. As the other party, I get a say in this. Second, you questioned my intentions toward you. You said me approaching you was whether out of pity or guilt. False! I agree we had a bumpy start but you must know till now that I do things on my own record and for my own selfish reasons. Third, you accused me of performing or acting our intimate moments just because I don't show any physical reaction to you. For that, I have to say I am a 37-year-old actor who has practiced intimate scenes on camera in front of a whole crew. I had to learn to be composed and controlled and my body doesn't act like a young boy anymore. Besides people get aroused on different terms, some should be touched to get aroused. On some people, fellatio should be performed so they get hard." 

He reasons scientifically. My face flushes as his words reach me and I look down. 

"I'm not sure why we are even talking about this?" 

"We'll get to all the points you mentioned one by one. Then you talked about my phobia of sickness and how being around me worsens my condition. I think on the contrary this helps me heal my constant fear of losing someone close. I don't want you to think otherwise. But the source of my obsession is not my dread but the fact that I care and worry for you and that's a good thing because for a long time I trained myself to run away from the people who had the slightest health problems. I even took my first girlfriend for a full checkup on our first date, so you could say living with you was a miracle with me. The last thing you stated was that my career would be sabotaged, I need you to have faith in me and let me address this issue over time. I know you are worried about my job but let me be the one who decides on the solution. What do you say?" 

I listen with widened eyes, blinking in disbelief. Did he just say that he cares for me? " What do you mean?" 

"You made some points and I solved them for you. Isn't that obvious?" 

Not really. I spot the untouched tea mug on the table. He sips his coffee

"Let me put it in another way. I did a little research. Do you remember talking about that straight guy who works as a gay porn star? I looked him up. I have to say weird things popped up in the result section" 

My jaw drops at his words. Who is this person? Is he the rigid Dae Sung I know? 

"You watched gay porn?" 

I blink a few more times my brain barely functioning. He cracks his knuckles unfazed. 

"I did. And you were right. I found it odd that he could do those things on camera with a man while he really wasn't into them. I mean he seemed very passionate." 

I Always Come Back for You Volume 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ