Chapter 17. He Makes Me Happy

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I wake up from my deep slumber, by the touch of light on my face. Turning around I grimace at the pain running through my body and the flickering burn around my anus. 


I whine getting up my hand holding onto the wall. I guess this body is not that flexible to be bent like that. Speaking of bending situations, did Dae Sung hate it? Did he like it? Does he want to do it again? I'm alone in bed as usual. Not much of an aftercare person I guess. I wash up in the bathroom then find myself in the kitchen, where Dae Sung is frying something in the pan, his back greeting me. Doggy jumps at my feet happy

"Hey boy!" 

I bend half-heartedly to be attacked by the throbbing discomfort in my back. 


That seems to get Dae Sung's attention, he turns on his heels facing me. No smile there. 

"Are you alright?" At least he has the manner to ask. 

" Yes. I'll get used to it" 

I blurt and clasp my mouth. Was that suggestive or implying that I want to have more of those bunny actions in the future? Urgh! Who cares? I ignore his raised eyebrow

"What's for the breakfast?" I study the kitchen. 

"Before that, can you wear clothes?" 

Ah huh! Here we go. I'm so sick of this emotional rollercoaster. I march back to the room sulking, to find my own clothes. But for the love of me, I can't find my damn pants. I walk back to the living room

"Have you seen my pants?" 

Dae Sung is nowhere at the sight. He is acting odd! Should I take this as a cue? Then I hear him talking to someone at the door, a few seconds later he appears with Yaerin at his heels. Her eyes go round seeing me, half-naked in Dae Sung's living room. Dae Sung starts monotonous 

"I guess you two have met. I asked her to come here today because I need to make things clear for you." 

He gestures and she comes to sit fidgetily. I have no idea what's happening, but I sit next to Dae Sung trying to figure out the situation. 

"And I believe I told you to wear proper clothes." 

He snarls as he throws his jacket on my bare legs. That's odd. Is he worried about the virtue of Yaerin seeing me in my underwear? That makes sense. I cover my crotch with the offered piece of clothes. 

"Sorry" I whisper. 

"Couldn't find my pants." 

I snuggle more under his scented jacket. 

"Look! I know that Yaerin is the one who talked you into breaking up with me. She also has a photo of us hugging in the yard, she was planning to threaten you with it if you refused to leave me alone. Using it as bait, threatening to send it to media to force you out of my life. But you agreed too soon so she didn't get to that part." 

I listen with rounded eyes

"She took a picture of us?" 

Before Yaerin gets a chance to talk Dae Sung chimes in with his dreadful calm

"She did. She is the only one who has the password to that house besides me." 

This time Yaerin starts talking

"That's not true. I mean I took that picture but not to threaten you. I know I made a mistake, interfering in your affairs, but you're like a big brother, Mr. Ma and I were only worried if you were going through hardship. We meant to help you! We didn't mean any harm to you" 

I Always Come Back for You Volume 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang