Chapter 18. Part 2.

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He starts towards the parking-lot with me tailing him like a lost puppy about to be scolded. We get in the car, the tension-filled proximity welcomes me again. He is very quiet and I want to bang my head to the dashboard. Just start yelling if you want to. What's with the irritating silence treatment? This is pure torture. Urgh!! 

"Um. You just passed the exit!" 

I inform him noticing we are not going in the direction of my house. He doesn't even bother to glance my way. 

"Dae Sung! This is not the way to my place" 

Silence. Jee. 

" Hey! You're not seriously angry or anything right?" 

I lock my hands. No answer but I hear him releasing a sharp breath and I know he does that when he wants to calm himself. Woah! I'm really in some kind of trouble. But for just a mere mark? 

"Are we going to my murder scene? This route doesn't sound familiar" I joke. 

No smile. Not even a scoff. Then he turns to his street and parks the car inside the complex which he rarely does. Once the car stops I get out getting some air through the mask

"I think I will have to take the train from the station near here." 

There is no way I walk inside his house. 

"You walk in or I carry you inside. Your choice" 

I shudder under his gruff tone and stomp towards his house while he is behind me. I step aside so he can insert the password letting me in. 

"Sit" I obey. 

He stands over me "Care to explain?" His tone is vibrating. 

" Um... What is there to explain?" I play dumb. 

He towers me "Don't even try to play smart on me because I'm this close to losing control and believe me you don't want to see that" He bites. 

Oh. This is alarming. 

"It was a prank!" My voice is barely audible. 

"What? I didn't hear you!" 

I touch the damn mark glancing up

"It's a prank, he just wanted to get on your nerves. I seriously didn't think it would get you this worked up" 

He stares like I'm talking in another language. 

"Is this all a joke to you?" He interrogates and I steal my eyes. 

"Answer me!" 

The book on the table is thrown to the wall behind me hitting a vase on its way to the ground, breaking it and I jump on my feet alerted. 

"You'll scare the dog". 

His eyes throw daggers and they are bloody red. 

"The damn dog isn't even in the house. So Joon Woo was right? It was the glove guy? That macho dude in your place? What is he to you? Your fuck body?" 

He snarls and the insult hits close to home. I stand into his face demanding ground

"What the hell are you talking about? I told you this was supposed to be a stupid prank, nothing more. He was trying to mess with your head. That's all" 

" Well. Let's say he succeeded. Happy now?" 

He growls into my face. Is this a fight? I cower. I don't want to fight him. 

I Always Come Back for You Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now