Chapter 10. Kiss Me

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At 7 sharp the bell rings I ready my heart for a postponed confrontation. But damn me. I miss him. I'm crazy. I open the door and exhale loudly to see his sight, damn devil. I let him in with no words, he enters quietly. I march back to my living room waiting for him to talk the talk. 

"You disappeared that night" 

He has come face to be this righteous. 

"I wonder why?" 

" You weren't supposed to be there that night" 

The first knife hits home. 

"Right. Sorry. My bad." 

He glares at me. " Where were you?" 

"Before you locked the door on me or after you took her to the bathroom?" 

"What are you implying?" His tone is sharp. 

"You hid me. You locked that door. What does that tell you? What would have you told her if she saw me?" 

"Nothing! A friend stayed over." 

That word again. 

" Exactly! Then why did you hide this friend?" 

"I didn't want her to barge in the room" 

"Regarding her state I would say taking her to bed was inevitable unless you wanted to make love on the sofa" 

" Watch your language when you talk about her!" He orders in an edgy tone. 

I swallow" Sorry! Not my business." 

I fly my hands in the air as a surrounding sign. "Look! Let's not fight. You had your experiment and your fiancé is ok with you being an ass and I'm your friend who you don't show to anyone. Problem solved." " What does that mean?" "It means what I said in the message. The trial is over. Go back to your life, as it turned out I'm not that thick skin as I thought." 

"Are you sulking because she came over?" 

"Shocker! I know! But I don't even have a right to be sulking. That's all I'm saying. " 

"You knew from the beginning what you agreedto." He mumbles flying his hands 

"I know! And sorry if I couldn't stickaround till the very end to be your best man for the wedding." I retortagitated. 

"What are you spouting?" His nostrils flare and his eyesnarrow. 

"I'm saying I'm that 'No one in the closet'!" I mutter 

"Isn't that ironic?" I snort mocking. " Now kiss me before yougo" 

His head jerks up at that. I know it's too much of punishment for himbut damn me if I let go without a proper goodbye. 


" Youowe me that much for a goodbye. You're an actor, I have seen you kissing guysbefore in movies, it shouldn't be that hard. The more you hate it, the more Ilove it" 

It's ok. He can hate me and get disgusted by kissing me but it'sworth it. 

"Come on! Don't stall. Kiss me so I can name this thingsomething and mourn it later" 

His darkened eyes study me baffled 

"Why are you doing this?" He asks. I sigh 

"Never mind! Justleave." I drop my hands at my sides. 

"Fine! Sit" 

I look up athim, not believing his words. Stepping back, I slump on the couch as he towersme. My breath hitches as his face shadows mine, his breath fanning my lips andhis eyes locked with mine. Then he leans in so his lips touch mine in a brieftouch, not giving me enough time to savor it. He retracts staring at my eyes.The moment is over

"At least I had a peck. I can't compla..." 

BeforeI can finish the words, his lips invade mine, bullying them to part, his upperlip rests on the bottom one, sucking with full power as he is a big mouth,consuming my whole. He tastes like heaven and earth and he keeps devouring my thirsty mouth, nipping at my lips he tugs them to make more space for his wondering tongue. My mind goes blank at his attack and I thank god for his hands shooting up to cup my face to control the maddening kiss, boring deeper so deep I can feel my soul sucked into his mouth. The room fills with slurping sounds and I moan under his intense invasion. He is breathing heavy and soon we are both fighting for breath, me pliant and puddle while he is a full exhibition of power and control. I gasp into his mouth and he swallows it. Then suddenly, the suction is gone and his hands leave me, panting and gasping. My eyes glistening, I glance up at him, still, so close I can feel his prickling heavy breathes on my skin. His eyes are filled with utter horror or disgust I can't tell 

"Thanks!" I whisper and he is gone while his taste lingers on my swollen lips.


I have been literally miserable. It's like I'm in a huge bubble, separating myself from others as I eat, go to work, talk, and go back to my empty place to sleep. I feel drowned, so deep, I can't hear anyone, I see people, they say the words, listen without really hearing them, or remembering them later. And concentrating is the hardest thing to do. 

" You seem distracted" Fabio declares. 

"I know. Sorry." 

And this is not the first time someone mentions that to me.

"Are you worried about the new virus spreading?" 

"Yeah! I read the news. It sounds serious. Do you think they are going to shut down the business for a while? I heard there might be a lockdown." 

That's just perfect. A broken heart, a deadly spreading virus, and my solitude make a perfect combination. Sarah rushes to the unit" There has been an announcement. They are shutting us down. From the day after tomorrow, the quarantine starts. It's scary out there."

That's when my phone goes off and I don't hear the fuss in the office anymore ad Hyung shouts in my ears

"Pack your stuff! I'm taking you somewhere safe"

 " It's not a war Hyung. There is nowhere to run" 

" It's a bloody war. People can die from this. And your immune system is lacking. You haven't still recovered from your cancer. Your doctor said that for the people with a flawed immune system this could be vital." 

" Even so, where do you want to take me? All I have to do is stay low so this will be over" 

Go home and pack! I'll take you somewhere so I can keep an eye on you. Sick people can't be left alone." 

"I'm at work" 

Fabio chimes in "No! You're not. They just asked us to leave." 

" Or not." 

" Ok then. I'll take you to the hospital for a checkup first. No objection" 

"You're the boss!" I say defeated.


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