Chapter 12. Seduce Me

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As expected, I'm a horrible pool player and the fun leisure time playing turned into a nightmare as the promising punishment seemed inevitable. I sigh and drop the cue stick and turn to see Dae Sung's smug face

"You're a lousy winner." 

"And you're a sore loser" 

"Ok! Don't prolong the agony. What do you want?" 

His lips twitch " A lot of things" 

"I'm not the genie in the bottle to grant your wishes, pick one " 

He chuckles

"Earlier you said you couldn't pull the Seo Yung role off. I want you to prove yourself wrong" 

I'm confused. "How?" 

"Seduce me!" Words muffle as my hearing evaporates for a second. 

" Huh?" 

I stare, eyes wide and my jaw is dropped. Is this a joke? I study his face to see a hint of humor but it's hard and stern as always. 

"Seduce me. Use cheesy words and action and we'll see if it really works." 

" You're serious?" I ask again. 

" Of course. I'll give you time to prepare. Think of all the movies you watched or books you read, the tantalizing tricks, temptation and such, then put them in practice so we can test if they sound ridiculous as you said or they work." 

" It's like a role play?" 


"But that's embarrassing. I don't know how to seduce people. Besides, you don't like men, you'll laugh at me" 

He puts down his cue. "First of all, you won't seduce people, just me. Secondly, the whole point is to test your theory. Even if I laugh, it means you were right all along." 

" Can't I just bend over so you can whip me or something? It seems much easier." 

He grins victoriously" I thought you didn't like being whipped." 

"Fine. You sex demon! You are exploiting my innocent virtue." I pout. 

"Where should I do it?" 

"Go get washed up and meet me in my room in 10 minutes! Feel free to wear a costume" 

I swear he enjoys torturing me. Or the sheer thought of the control he has over me is amusing for him. Bastard. 

"Kill me now!" I whine as I stomp toward my room. 

What has gotten into him? And why is he so obsessed with testing every theory? I strip off my clothes, wearing my white dress shirt, with black boxers, feeling like a fool. God. Man's clothing is dull. How I'm supposed to look tempting with trousers and a shirt? Then I think better of it and unbutton the upper part of the shirt, sliding one side down my shoulder to expose my collarbone, since I always found that erotic, I tousle my hair to make it disheveled, that I consider a sex appeal in people. Then head to his room knocking on the door, my skin prickling. He's gonna laugh. This is absurd. He calls me in and I push the door slightly open to peek inside. He is already under the blanket, resting his head on the headboard

"Are you going to come in or you're going to do it telepathically? " 

"I will. But before that, how can I know that I seduced you successfully? And what if I can't?" 

"If you make it, I will tell you, if not, I set another punishment." 

I really want to smack that pleased smile off his face. I slide into the room elegantly, on my toes, and get close to him. Then stand above him, my hand reaches to caress his chin, a faint touch of my fingertip, slipping on his lips as his eyes are glued to mine. Not laughing yet. God! Please laugh. But he doesn't break his stern exterior. I shut my eyes, bending over to tower him, my fingers find his earlobe, circling it. When I can't see his piercing eyes anymore, I lean in to rest my forehead on his, breathing him in. He lets out a sigh and it hits my chin. Not giving in yet and here I'm going crazy. Putting my weight on his lap, I gasp at the clothed contact when I straddle him, my hands locking into each other behind his neck, caging his face. He lets out a shaky breath and I open my eyes to stare into his pulling eyes. 

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