Chapter 14. When the Doubts Win

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There is a rustling sound in the quiet room dragging me out of my deep slumber I open my eyes with difficulty to see Dae Sung getting ready to go. He is half-naked under the rays of sunrise showering him from the window. Even in this groggy state and hazy mind, this sight is enticing and disappointing since I know he is leaving for god knows how long and I feel like a secret mistress left alone. He looks up while buttoning his shirt and catches my hungry and sad eyes. A hint of smile shadows his lips and he starts toward the bed standing above me. I look up to see his fingers moving to my chin and caressing it gently

"I have to go." 

I want to lean to his soft touch but I stop myself. 

"En. Do you want me to see you off?" 

His lazy forefinger catches my jaw rubbing it, his eyes kind and warm. 

"No. Go back to sleep. Your face is cold. Pull the cover higher. Here" 

So he was checking my temperature and I thought he was saying goodbye. He tucks me in further and I close my eyes sleepy. The next time I wake up he is gone and I didn't hear him leave. There is a sound from downstairs and my heart jumps in excitement. Is he still here? I wear an old shirt and find my way down to find a small silhouette leasing doggy in the leaving room. She turns around once she notices my presence. I wave unsure

"Hi. You must be Dae Sung's assistant." 

She is a pretty woman maybe my age, wearing a cheerful floral dress. She stands up observing me

"Hi. Yes. I'm Bak Yaerin. You must be Dara." 

She seems friendly and all smile. 

"You know my name?" 

She lets the dog go and strides toward the kitchen. 

"I know a lot of things about you" 

Wow! Did I just get a snide bite? What did Dae Sung tell her about me? 

"How come?" I inquire. 

She goes through the grocery bag that she has carried before I wake up. 

"It's only normal. I have been Mr. Jin's assistant for six years. I know everything that concerns him. " 

I was right. She is trying to imply something here but I can't put a finger on it. And six years is so long to be someone's assistant, I'm pretty sure there are better jobs for someone with that much experience than listening to a cranky actor's orders 24/7. 

"Look! I just needed a place to stay for a few weeks during the lockdown. I don't want to disturb you with your daily tasks and drag you all the way here to do my shopping or organize my food. I don't know what Dae Sung has told you... " 

"Mr. Jin hasn't said anything. I knew you way before I met you. In fact, I know your whole medical history, address, details of your conditions, your contact, doctor, favorite places, and close friends." 

I listen with a dropped jaw


"I was asked to investigate you a few months ago. I was the one who contacted your doctor to ask your medical records and weekly updates on your condition to deliver to Mr. Jin." 

I can't believe my ears. 

"But why?" She shoves the fruits into the fridge

"Because he was worried. He is always worried." 

"About me?" 

She rolls her eyes impatiently. 

"Are we gonna play this game?" 

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