Chapter 4. Convince Me: We Meet Again

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Saturday night out was Fabio's s brilliant idea to cool some steam and dance a bit. Girls were so on board with that so I tagged along and we hit the bar. I tried to stay away from alcohol but halfway through the night, I remembered the cocky smirk on Dae Sung's face during the rehearsal and something hit me. I had forgotten the details of his face, the quality of his smile, and the wrinkle shaped next to his lips when he smiled. I had forgotten all of those when I was in that dark tunnel and that was the scariest thing. Not being able to make his face in my mind and rebuilding his form was awful. So, seeing him there that day made me recall all the things that were fading from my diminishing memory. But it didn't make it any better. 

Thinking of that, I downed a few shots before I felt the floor was swallowing me in and people were blurry images around me. I knew it was selfish but I called Hyung for rescue. It was a hectic week full of work and I didn't get much sleep last night since I had a presentation to prepare so I guess I was collapsing out of tiredness. Hyung picked me up at the bar, wearing his infamous scolding look. He didn't talk to me though. When we reached his home, he let me lie on his couch while he went bustling something in the kitchen. All I heard was him nagging

"Is it fun to make me worry?" I closed my eyes for a second. And now that I'm awake after a while I can hear distant noises coming from his room. Does he have a guest? If so, I'd better leave. I didn't mean to disturb him on his night off. I guess insomnia took the better judgment not to call him. I get up and my body protests mercilessly. My muscles are sore and my head is spinning. God. How did you live like this Dara? This body is so damn useless can't even stay awake for 20 hours. 

"Hyung!" I call, my voice gruff and my tongue heavy. 

Hyung shows up at the doorframe

"You're awake?" That's a ridiculous question with an obvious answer. 

I nod, hunching on the couch. 

"Do you feel better? Oh. Before you get all jumpy, Dae Sung is here, he dropped by to hand me some documents. You were sleeping and I didn't want you to wake up so we were talking in the room. No conspiracy theory since I know how your brain works." 

Dae Sung is here? That explanation didn't help at all since I jerk up

"I see. Then I see myself out and you can go on with your business. Sorry I didn't think before calling you." 

I look for my jacket in a hurry. Is he hiding in the room since he doesn't want to face me? That would be childish and out of character for Dae Sung. But I won't give him enough time to prove my cynical hypothesis. 

Hyung catches my arm "Hey! Hold your horses, would you?" 

I stop to see his serious face. 

"Your jacket is in the room." He raises a challenging eyebrow. 

Is that a kind of dare? Fine. It's not like I'm afraid of anything. I march toward the room determined to get in, grab my jacket and be out. Once I enter the room I see Dae Sung sitting on the edge of the bed, a pensive look on his face. When he sees me, he gets up. I look for my jacket and locate it on the hanger. Calm down. I get my jacket and turn around to see Dae Sung standing next to the door with an expecting look on his face. 

"What are you doing?" 

"What I have been told I'm good at; running" 

"Why? Because that's the ultimate solution to you?" He closes the door and blocks it with his frame. Good, now I'm stuck with him. 

"Move aside!" I order and he doesn't budge an inch. 

"Why don't you try standing up for yourself? Convince me. Prove to me you are who you claim to be" he demands. 

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