Chapter 19. The Brazen Gift

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At least Jong Hyun kept his promise and didn't send me a dildo yet he sent me a butt plug! A freaking butt plug. I stare at the box, bewildered. The audacity of that freak. I call him immediately

"You jerk!" I shout from my side. 

"You want to get me killed. No?" 

He laughs lightly, amused. 

"You don't have to show him. Just use it for your own pleasure." 

"Where am I supposed to hide this thing? I'm staying at his place." 

"Don't you even have a drawer there? You're just a freeloader staying on his couch then?" He teases. 

"Not funny. I'm very angry right now" 

"No you're not, you're smiling. Just use it, it's fun and if you don't know how to use it I'm always here to instruct you for free since I'm a good person." 

"You're a horrible person. Is this another prank? He is gonna kill us both this time" 

"Relax. Even if he finds out he is going to like it. It has worked on me" 

"That's because you're a sex freak." 

"Puff. And he is a saint. Try it! It won't kill you, you might like it" 

"I'm going to get rid of it right now" 

"No. Do you know much that cost me? It's a late birthday present. Use it wisely sunshine" 

"Just fuck off" I nag and disconnect. 

What the hell I am going to do with this? For now, I shove it under the bed, hiding it from Dae Sung. Later I'll think about what to do with it.


Not only Dae Sung doesn't talk to me he even won't throw me a glance when he is home. I believe that's the punishment he promised me. Yesterday I woke up earlier than usual to make him breakfast and he didn't even bother to come to the kitchen he just announced his departure at the door. I stood there staring at Doggy feeling like a real desperate housewife who failed to get my husband's attention. He ignores me all the time, I lay on the couch to play with Doggy on me licking my face, he curses irritated and leaves. I come out of the shower looking for my clothes and he leaves the room. It's not like I'm begging him to look at me but he keeps brushing me aside and that leaves me bitter and unwanted. The other day I was on my toe to pick a plate from the top drawer he scoffed at me saying

"Stop it. It's not gonna work." 

And I realized he thinks I do these things on purpose to get his attention. That's somehow funny because I am not good at persuading people at all. He is out for a photoshoot and I'm bored and hot. When I was a kid, at night during the summer, I would go to the kitchen to sleep on the cold ceramic naked to cool down my body. Now I feel ridiculous to sleep on the kitchen floor. I leave the bedroom window open, take off my shirt and pants, and lie down on the floor on my stomach. A pleasant breeze brushes my back and I sigh in content. This is good. I like spring. Doggy comes growling lying next to me and my hand lazily pat him, which he likes very much. My eyes get warmer and I drift off.


"What are you doing? " 

A gruff voice drags me out of my nap. I blink the sleepiness away my face glued to the cool floor

" Sun-bathing," I say groggily. 

I can't see but feel Dae Sung enter the room standing next to my feet

"The sun has set over an hour ago." 

I finally get enough energy to turn my head facing him, standing above me, with inquisitive eyes 

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