Chapter 4. Part 3.

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Seeing Dae Sung made me realize one thing; I can't be out of his life as I initially planned. I want to stay around as much as possible. Hyung is right, there is no reason we can't communicate civilly, and I can get my closure by seeing him in his normal life, probably as a married man, and dissolve my feelings over time. I see Fabio and others at the mall and we get going. It's been a while since I had the chance to tour around Seoul without worry or interruption. When the girls are choosing some grotesque beach hats Fabio takes me to a vending machine for refreshments

"Any thoughts?" He asks putting money inside the machine. 

"On what?" 

He chooses a soda then pushes the number. 

"Sarah was giving you a flirty vibe. Didn't you catch it?" 

That's odd. I didn't notice but these little romance gossips are bound to happen in small groups. "Maybe it's my unorthodox sense of fashion today that caught her eyes" I laugh it off. 

He gets the soda and offers it to me

"Here. But seriously, are you really that ignorant or not interested? Sorry if I'm presumptuous but are you...?" 

"Demisexual! You're not presumptuous though. I didn't know that myself but I researched a bit. I can be interested in anyone as long as I feel connected to them, which rarely happens " 

I smile as he chooses another soda for himself.

"I heard the term. Then do you have anyone that you feel that way with?" 

He gets the soda and we start toward the store.

"There is one person. But not a chance." He sips from the can

"Then you might give Sarah a chance"  

"We'll see. She is very attractive." I will give anyone on this planet a chance if it means they would love me back and I could get rid of the thought of Dae Sung.


"Why should I go again? Why can't you send it by delivery?" I nag at Hyung pouting.

"These are confidential information on our prospects in the company. If they get leaked those artists would be in trouble in future." He hands me the envelope unbothered.

"You and your weird paranoia!" 

I take the package from him quite sure he planned this whole thing to set up Dae Sung and me in a forced encounter. Deep down I'm dying to see him so I just act as if I'm offended by the idea. Dae Sung is informed I would be delivering so it wouldn't be a bad surprise for him to see me at his precious studio.


"I'm sorry you had to see me!" 

I say putting the package on his desk. Being here for the first time as myself feels strangely comforting. I feel at home here. It's like I have been very happy here with him once in another life. 

He glances up from his desk with a scrutinizing look

"I have no problem seeing you. I have a hard time being around what you claim to be." God. I hate the pessimist bastard to death.

"Right. I'm off then." 

I march toward the door. I got my daily dose of his poisonous tongue anyway 

" Wait!" He calls out making me stop involuntary.

"What did you think of the book?" He asks keeping himself busy with those damn papers 

" which book?" I turn to him intrigued 

"The one you were reading the other day at Joon Woo's place."

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