Chapter 6. Making a Mess

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I found Jong Hyun's number the next day that I woke up hangover and aching. I sat there in my bed and tried to remember his features, and all I could recall was his scent mixed with some perfume made of pine. I laid back, to rest my throbbing head on the pillow again. The thing is I'm a horrible drunk but not a forgetful one since I can clearly remember all the events of last night. Hyung scolding me, that burning look on Dae Sung, condescending, and blaming, and Hyung's guilt trip about ruining Dara's body; I remember it all, unfortunately. The only good thing about last night was meeting Jong Hyun. So, I text him

"Hey! This is the foreign guy from last night. Still wanna be my friend?" 

Then I get up to wash up hating myself for those tequila shots. they were my death. After the very late breakfast and drinking the whole pitcher's water I receive a text from him

"Hey. Glad you texted. Hangover?" 

"You have no idea. I blame the tequila. Did you get any luck last night?" 

"Yes. I am just leaving his place. " 

"Why did I think you're one of those who run away from the window in the middle of the night after a one-night-stand? " 

"Ha-ha! I was. But now I'm old." 

"I would offer you to come and collect your gloves but I left them in Hyung's car."

"They're yours. But I wouldn't mind coming and hang out. I can bring us something to eat for dinner."

"That would be great. Tomorrow's Sunday maybe we can have a movie night. " 

"Deal! Meet you at seven." I send him my address. 

Did I just make a friend or we are going to be friends with benefit? I don't mind his touch or kiss but it wasn't the way I expected it to be burning and explosives. The sole person I crave to be kissed by is the only person who doesn't want me that way. Screw that.


I ignored Hyung's s calls and messages all day. I'm angry at him for treating me like a kid, for worrying for me, for nagging me. I hope he understands not to smother me today. When I open the door to Jong Hyun who wears a wide smile and has two bags in both hands, I forget about Hyung completely. 

"Hi! What did you bring? I let him in 

"Chicken and beer. "

"God! I love that." 

He finds his way to my small living room

"And here I wanted to introduce you to our, drinking tradition!" 

I laugh and we sit "In fact, I was raised here. I just look foreign." 

He opens the bags "That's why you speak so well. Here help yourself" " 

I can't take more alcohol in me. My body is still recovering from last night drinking." 

" Beer is not alcohol. It completes the chicken taste. Come on!" He hands me a can.


Halfway through the night, I'm tipsy and full as hell. I rub my belly like a child

"I think I'm drunk again." 

Jong Hyun splays himself next to me on the couch

"Your alcohol tolerance is so low. Now I get why your Hyung doesn't let you drink." 

"Don't mention him. He was outraged last night. He yelled at me all the way home." 

" Why?"

"Public indecency. He was mad because I kissed a random guy on the street." 

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