Chapter 2. Coming Back

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This time the flight was smooth. Dara's body is weak toward traveling but it felt better than what I recall from his memories. Poor guy. At the airport my mom made me promise to come back home once a year. 

She said "If we didn't go through the hardships that we passed, like other conservative mothers I would scold you for going after a man, for leaving your family behind. But if almost losing you thought me something that was, to cherish every minute you breathe. I don't want you to be where I want you, or marry the person I want you to, I only want you to be alive more than anything else even if that means you would be far away from me with someone I don't know. As long as you live in the same world as me those are trivial matters. Other mothers are lucky not to know that." 

She hugged me tight like she couldn't bear to let go of me. And we cried. She is a fantastic woman. That's why when I arrived at the hotel the first thing I did was to call her. The condo I'm renting would be ready tomorrow morning. And Monday I have to introduce myself to the company. I am back and this time as a whole. Me. Nam Il, back in Seoul. Looking like Dara. He is beautiful though. I couldn't be choosy to pick a body but I was lucky that Dara has unruly curly black hair with a small mouth. He is not girly in any shape but he is what you call cute I guess with an innocent face but not childish and small hopeful eyes. I'm so tired. Tomorrow is a big day.


The division they sent me this time is different than the one Dara worked on before and my tasks are different. I was introduced to the group I'm working with, all of them are international staff. One Italian guy named Fabio came to show me around and we hit it off as he is chatty, vibrant, and funny. He introduced me to Sarah, Jilo, Martha, and Debora. All nice and friendly. They even set a date for my welcome party to get together for a drinking night out and I agreed. The next thing I have to do is to reach Hyung. According to my research, he is starting a new entertainment company and is hiring staff. I found the advertisement on the company website and made an appointment for tomorrow evening. I don't know why I want to see him. But I know why I'm back. This is my home, I was born and lived all my life here, no matter where I go, I always come back here for some reason. Learning Hyung has decided to run his own business after the ordeal with the former company, which is still ongoing, made me realize that he is trying to change. Suddenly I had the urge to see him and find out what he is trying to achieve. Plus, I am over the heartbreak of his betrayal since I was always prepared to be let down by him at the end. I don't know what I will gain from our meeting tomorrow, or whether I want him back in my life after the last encounter with Dara but he has a right to know that Dara is dead. I'm not still sure what would I tell him when I see him but somehow I'm thrilled to meet him again after all we went through.


The new office is on the 5th floor of a small building. The lady at the reception asked for my name and asked me to fill out a form. I don't know why I didn't go to his house instead of this whole charade. I filled the form and waited in the cozy lobby for my turn for the interview. I wasn't aware that Hyung had saved this much money to found a company and after the scandal, with the former company it's an odd choice of career. The secretary calls my name by my application number

"Mr. Sung now will see you." 

I find the room she is pointing to with my eyes and get up. I knock, unsure, and exhale to gather my courage and not run this instant. Hyung's voice from the other side invites me in

"Please come in." 

Pushing the door open, I see Hyung, head down, reading a document, without lifting his head he reaches his hand 

"Can you hand me your application?" I close the door. 

Weirdly I missed him. "I thought you knew my whole resumé. I was disappointed I got through the paperwork without recognition." I say, lazily leaning on the closed door. 

I Always Come Back for You Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now