Chapter 3. Running from the jerk from my nightmares

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Hyung is preparing dinner, his Bibimbaps are very tasty and I can say he is using the cooking task as a challenge to distract himself. I slide behind the counter

"So what made you publish that letter?" 

He looks up from his cutting board and stops chopping the poor vegetables mercilessly. 

"You! And the things Dara said. And most importantly I didn't have much of a choice with that asshole on my neck, busting my balls to hand him your handwritings." 

I only know one person Hyung refers to as an ' asshole'. 

"Did Dae Sung talk you into it?" I ask trying to tone down my excitement from saying his name. 

"Talk me into it? Hell no! That guy became a nightmare haunting me day and night. He threatened me. Made me feel guilty and I gave in." 

I laugh lightly. That's the Dae Sung I know. What the hell? Get it together. 

"Are you still wrestling with the aftermath? I didn't see his name in the articles!" 

"He cleared out his name. It was a huge step for both of us, considering we don't get along that well. But we are good at conspiracy and plotting. We evils" 

He jokes with that but it's still a sore spot for me yet I let it slide and smile. 

"So, how did you end up running an entertainment company in this whole shenanigan?" 

He places the pot on the stove

"It was Dae Sung's idea in fact. After so many trainees came forward to talk about their traumatic and inhuman experiences with illegal contracts and exploiting companies, he founded the company to bring in all those scarred souls into a safe environment and treat them with the respect and dignity they deserve. We hired our mutual friend from college who is now an accountant for the financial support and you know that shark, Lee? Dae Sung's lawyer! He is taking legal action. And I'm responsible for recruiting talents and training them." 

Wow! That's a lot of changes. And they don't get along well but they run a company together. You learn something new every day. 

"What does Dae Sung do in that company?" 

Hyung stirs something in the pot

"That asshole is the boss. The CEO. Blah. Blah. I think he is planning to retire anytime soon and wants this company as his backup plan for retirement. Besides, he has the fashion line and clothes design. It takes most of his time" 

I absorb every single word about Dae Sung eagerly, trying so hard not to ask whether he is married yet or not. I can't bring myself to voice the question and I'm not sure I can handle the answer. Hyung notices I am quiet for some time

"Do you plan on seeing him?" 

God no! 

"No!" I say abruptly. "And please don't tell him I'm back."

"Why?" He asks curiously. "You forgave me. Can't you do the same for him?" 

Hyung can't understand how it feels to bring that guy back to my life. 

"It's not about forgiving. I am not ready to see him since I'm not still over him. I should work on myself to move on and seeing him right now won't help me do that. "

" So, you're still hung up on the guy?" He says in a sad tone. 

"Yes. But I don't think he likes to have a nuisance like me in his life. Don't try to set me up in a situation to accidentally meet him. You tend to push people into a corner like that."

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