Finale. The Garden House; My Safe Heaven with You

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Finally! It's the last chapter! Please recommend the story to those who might be interested and leave your thoughts about the whole novel if you have any! I'd be glad to see any feedback!  


Jong Hyun turns to face me laid in the backseat

"Are you asleep Sunshine?" 

" Stop giving him a nickname!" 

Hyung nags as he drives. I have no idea how I ended up with these two or how Jong Hyun convinced Hyung to tag along for the ride. I am about to say I'm awake but they are too busy bantering back and forth. 

"Why? You call him Nam Il all the time. Can't I call him sunshine?" 

Jong Hyun points. He must have heard Hyung calling me that when he was too preoccupied to care about remembering my body's name. 

"That's because it's his Korean name. Dae Sung also calls him that. The name you call him is a bit... A bit childish" 

Jong Hyun bursts into a mocking laughter

"You get so cute when you're looking for the right words. Were you about to say calling a man sunshine is a bit gay?" 

He really shouldn't push his luck with Hyung's temper. 

"You don't know what I wanted to say. Don't try to decode me" 

I twitch my lips not to laugh. 

"But it's fun to untangle the tangled skein of your mind. I mean I'm good at untangling things in general." 

He teases and I'm not even sure that's a provocative flirt or he is just messing with Hyung. Hyung exhales a sharp breath

"The only thing you seem to be good at is talking nonsense." 

"So, you want me to prove by actions? Here? In front of our little sunshine?" 

" Don't talk like he is our child" Hyung scolds. 

" Why? He is cute. Can't we adopt him? I have a good income to provide for both of you if that's what you're worried about."

God! I can't stand their couple-like argument. It's weird. 

"If you have a good income you should use that money to fix your brain. It's messed up" 

Hyung bites. Jong Hyun won't budge

"Aww! You're worried about me? Don't worry. Even if I spend money on brain surgery I will have enough to bring food to our table and feed you and our little sunshine" 

I can't keep pretending to be asleep. I snort

"Just let me off before this conversation gets any weirder." 

They both turn to me in unison and Jong Hyun smirks victoriously

"You got scared hearing Daddies arguing? Poor little thing" 

"You're a freak. It shouldn't be far from my place, why we aren't reaching home? This is pure torture" I nag. 

"We are almost there. Stop complaining. I'm the one being subjected to his brazen flirting, what's with you?" 

Hyung looks from the rearview mirror. 

"It's strange to see him hitting on you." I smile. 

Hyung goes quiet for a second "I don't mind." 

My eyes go wide and I see Jong Hyun snigger 

"You don't mind?" I squeak. 

Hyung shifts in his seat nonchalantly

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