Chapter 21. A Visitor

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I wake up with a furry ball on my face. Doggy is here, which means Dae Sung is home. I lift the dog busy licking my face and hug him tight, he squeaks in my arms. I look up to see Dae Sung staring at me

"Good morning!" I whine, stretching. 

"Good morning. I was wondering when you would wake up." He pats the dog. 

I smile groggily "I'm surprised you're still in bed. Shouldn't you be somewhere?" 

 "You want me gone?" 

Him and his stupid questions. 

"Of course not. I want you to pat me too" 

I bring my head close to him for a pat but I get a kiss on my forehead. I grin ear to ear. He takes Doggy to put him down

"Go out. Go, boy" 

He commands and the dog disappears from the room. He snuggles closer to wrap his arms around me

"You look so happy" 

"I'm in very good moods in the mornings. You're never home to see." 

He sticks his chest to my back breathing me in

"My bad" 

"No. I'm not trying to make you feel guilty. You're busy all the time and you might be one of those people who hate morning sex. Based on your OCD probably you don't like to get messy adding morning breath and such" 

He flips me on my back in a swift move, staring down at me

"Is that what you think?" His eyes are questioning. 

I tilt my head confused

"Isn't it the reason?" 

He drops his head on my collarbone 

"No. I run from bed since I can't stay long in bed with you when I'm awake. It makes me extremely self-conscious. I don't know how you have been sleeping soundly next to me all this time while you liked me. If I liked someone I couldn't share my bed with them without having trouble sleeping" 

My heart thumps faster. Did he just say he likes me? Am I hearing things? I swallow, blinking. 

"For how long you have had trouble sleeping next to me?" 

He looks up eyeing me

"Let's say from the first night. When I arrived from Bangkok." 

For that long? My stomach twists in a knot

"Ummm...did you come to me straight from the airport?" 


"Then... Is morning sex on the table?" 

He laughs throaty, vibrating on top of me

"Not for today. We did it two nights in a row. Plus, I have somewhere to be in an hour." 

He kisses my scarred chest gently. 

"Oh. Then why did you wait for me to wake up? You should get going." 

"I wanted to see your morning mood." 

"Humm. Then I'm going to check on Jong Hyun later today" 

He jerks up alerted. 

"But you will be back before I come home, no?" 

"Yeah. If you want me to" 

"I want you to. We have a guest coming for dinner. I'll cook." 

I Always Come Back for You Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now