Chapter 22. Receiving a Beating

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Since I'm going to be busy for the next few weeks I am going to post whatever is left of this story. Just a quick reminder! We are approaching the end of our journey with this novel and I already have ideas for my next story. I would like to ask you to recommend and share this story with others if you liked it so far so I can get encouraged to write my next novel sometime soon. Thanks a lot!❣🎄😍 


My phone rings but I'm in an online conference meeting with another intermediator at my office arranging the online conference with our participants. Sung-ho, on one screen, starts

"Mr. Raad, I would like to do a pre-recorded interview in advance, instead of doing a live performance at the conference?" 

He seems nervous his eyes wondering. 

"Are you alright though? You seem a bit on the edge. If this conversation makes you uncomfortable we can cancel for now. Other calls are on mute. Sung-ho fidgets in his chair 

" No. I want to talk. I was bullied at my own home for being... For being... I'm not a boy Mr. Dara. I have always felt that I'm a woman. But they won't listen to me. I'm not sure if this is what you need for this conference but I felt discriminated at work, getting odd tasks, or being humiliated just because they caught me once at a bar with make-up on. They recognized me and started harassing me afterward. It's awful. I didn't want others like me to suffer like this because there is a woman inside me who is sick of this kind of treatment." 

I swallow. "Can You tell us more about your social experiences? Or how do you suggest tackling them?" 

Right this moment a door behind him opens with a bang and he jumps horrified. A vague form marches to Sung-ho shouting

"What the hell?" 

The man is bulky and intimidating, Sung-Ho slips off the chair as the man starts shouting incoherent words then attaching the screen and the connection is gone. I stare at Sonhwa dazed "We should call the police." 

"You think so? What if Sung Ho doesn't want to?" 

"I'm sure she doesn't want to be beaten into a pulp. This is domestic violence please call the cops." 

I squeak sweat running down my nape. 

Sonhwa gets busy on the phone. I turn on the microphone to other participants

"Everybody! We are going to take a break now. Please stay tuned for our next meeting." 

I disconnect and look for Sung Ho's profile" High school student, no parents lives with his older brother. Was that goon his older brother? I find the address and write it down for Sonhwa so she can give it to the officer on the phone. I hope we didn't put Sung Ho in more trouble. I hope she is fine.


It's dark when I leave the company. The police called and said they couldn't find any evidence of violence at Sung Ho's place so they will forgo the case. I heave a sigh finding my way into the alley. Has it been always this hard to be yourself? To just be what you are without having to fight for it? What was I fighting for as Nam Il? What did I want to prove? I take my head between my hands lost. A voice calls me from behind

"Mr. Raad?" 

It's a thick voice, with a hinge of violence in it. I turn around alerted to see two men with noticeable body sizes. Something is off with their stiff postures. 


The bigger one lurches towards me grabbing my shirt into his fist, yanking me off the ground. I flail in vain, confused. 

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