Chapter 9. The History Repeats

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The following week we fell into a comfortable routine, I would go to work, Dae Sung would go for scenario reading, and photoshoots and come home late, then if he was up for some company would call me over, we would play videogames, chess, Jenga, while a classic music would play, or we would watch movies, or read books. When I get home, I start playing with Doggy, who is getting used to me while Dae Sung brings us fruit, refreshments, or hot beverages. At night, I slide into Dae Sung's bed and close my eyes while he keeps practicing lines, as his lazy fingers roam in my hair, then rests on my forehead to check if I'm running a fever. 

"You do that every night," I say as I turn to his side facing him. 

"Does it bother you? " 

"No. I'm afraid I get addicted to it." I sigh in content. 

"I say we spent the whole week at home, how about we go to Karaoke before the shooting starts and I get busy as hell? We can take that idiot Joon Woo" 

"Hmmm. I'd like that. I miss Hyung, haven't seen him in days" 

" Then Saturday? The shooting will start on Monday." 

"Ok. Sounds fun. Pity I have a horrible voice now." 

His fingertips poke my head "You're a bit hot." 

I grin" You're obsessed with that, aren't you?"

"Sorry. I lost my mum to illness. Sickness terrifies me. " 

His tone is sad and my heart gets crumpled. 

"Sorry." My hand itches to hold his to comfort him but I'm not sure he'd appreciate it. 

"I lost mine in a car accident. I was watching her from the window when it happened. I was fourteen." 

My voice goes smaller by the end of the sentence. He looks at me

"God! That must be horrible." 

I sigh with a heavy heart

"I wasn't worried or sad for myself though. All I could think was that Nam Su is only seven. How can he cope? I moved to dorms two years later, didn't have the chance to see him growing up as a motherless child and it would break my heart to think of him growing up alone with my dad always at work." 

This time his palm finds mine under the blanket to squeeze it. He has sensed that I'm on the verge of crying. 

"But Dara's sisters, I mean my sisters, they are so kind and caring. It's nice to have sisters, they always fight, but they love as passionately." I force a smile. 

" And Mom! She is a worrywart but I know she means well even when she nags. She calls me all the time. But it's nice to have a mom again. She is super cool, I kinda came out to her and she took it well" 

His eyes turn from compassionate to surprised 

"You came out to your mom?" 

" Yes. And she told me the only thing that she cares for me is to breathe and be alive somewhere in the world. That would be enough for her. And she said she was sure that whoever I choose as my partner, would be a good person because she trusts my judgment of the people." 

" Wow! She is indeed cool." 

"Told you" his hand hasn't let go of mine yet.


We sit in the Karaoke room, and Hyung brings the beers 

"You're not allowed to drink" 

He warns as I pout

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