Chapter 13. Part 2.

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Graphic scenes! Please proceed with caution!


Something weird happened two days ago. Rightwhen I lost my hope to get any touch from Dae Sung after the incident in thekitchen the table turned to leave me shocked. I was laid on my back on thecouch that has turned to be my favorite spot in the house, letting the sun rayspour on my body, warning my skin that I heard him walking inside from thebalcony that is his favorite spot and territory. 

"I was talking with JoonWoo. He said that the lockdown would be lifted soon. I can go back to theshooting." 

My throat got tightened at the bitterness of disappointmentthat crawled up from my heart. The sweet life in a secluded garden house isover. That's what I thought. I sat and looked around; I would miss this place. 

"Is Hyung going to pick me up?" He came to sit across me

"Naah.I leave once the lockdown is over. You get to stay as long as you want" 


"I'm afraid I'll be busy as hell once the shootingrestarts. But I'll make sure Joon Woo comes by regularly."

 Am I some kindof secret mistress? 

"It's ok. I can go back to my place. I'll tell Hyungto drive me." I sulked. 

He didn't say anything but tugged at his sleevesto gather his thoughts. 

"I have always wondered why you never call meHyung?" He said it casually. 

I stared. "Umm. Well. I don't know. Itdoesn't sound right." 

" Why? I'm older than you and we are closerthan to be called Sunbae and Hoobae. Plus, we are not in the same industryanymore." 

"I use Hyung for my friends." I blurted. His eyes narrowed suspiciously

"Am I notyour friend?" 

"You are more than that. That's why I have a hard timefinding a name for you." 

I sighed in defeat. He dropped his eyes

"How do you call me in your mind then?" 

His eyes moved back to my face,laying there for an answer. 

" Well, that may sound rude but forme, you're Dae Sung. No honorific can describe the link between you and me. Idon't think it has been invented yet. Is that bad? I can call you whatever youwant" 

"No. Call me by my name. I liked the sound of it on yourtongue." 

" Really?" 

I looked up to find his expressionunreadable and endearing. 

"Dae Sung." 

I tried it in my mouth. was italready too much? I tried one moretime

"Dae Sung." 

This time around more confident loving the ring ofit in my mouth. His eyes darkened as his hands flew up to grasp my face hismouth closing around mine stealing the air in my lung. I kissed him back happythat he didn't back off our deal. The next second he was pressing me down tothe couch, pinning me, hovering me with all his weight on me

**He deepened the kiss as he pushed further andfound his space between my welcoming and eager legs to nestle him wrappingaround his waist and the kiss went on. I forgot to breathe as his scent filledmy nostrils and my taste buds were invaded by his now familiar taste in mymouth. The friction of his slow movements on top of me made me shiver and Igasped into his mouth. 

I Always Come Back for You Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now