Chapter 33 - Locked Away

Start from the beginning

"So Amira," Seiner calls out to her, "You're still sulking about that?"

Amira turns to Seiner as she tries to put up a smile on her face.

"It is not about sulking. It is about Logan."

Malak and Andrei look back at her for that before Seiner loosens up with his arms and think of something for her.

"What do you mean about that?"

"Have you noticed that he is practicing outside all by himself?" she says as she points where Logan is standing.

Seiner walks near the window and glances over what she's talking about. Sure enough, it is Logan with his sword practice as she said, but now clear to him. Seiner shakes his head and chuckles. Jack, however, only frowns as a result of this.

"Well, I'm pretty sure that he has a reason to do that. Maybe some sort of mechanism to recover from something that scarred him or something. Don't you think so or just a mere coincidence?"

"Well, no," Seiner replies, "I don't think so. No practice by solitary can be chalked up to mere coincidence alone." Jack can only gaze back at his own surroundings as well as the door leading outside, which then leads up to the hospital room. Knowing how this conversation can entail, he sighs.

"Guess we'll have to leave it for another day," Jack replies. Seiner nods back in agreement. It is best to leave something as touchy from him in the background for a while. Eddie, however, grunts as he stands up from the chair.

"All that gloom in spite that we won big last time. What's the big deal y'all? Not even the thank you from the Navigators themselves?" Eddie says.

"They're still recovering from the shock response, mister Ed," a soldier says.

"Aren't they supposed to be that tough?!"

"Well, to be fair, we did notice some nervousness about the circumstances surrounding the injuries incurred by the Zlocu, but it can be pretty refreshing to see them do the things that they have always done to survive. And of course, high-command ramped up security for all designated VIPs in case of future attacks," Sylvester replies.

"Right, I get it now. By the way kiddos, you know it's curious that despite having spent some days together, and we haven't told even a tiny bit of ourselves, don't ya think?" he asks while smirking.

"Well, I don't think we're the type to open up our personal-" Seiner tries to explain only to get pushed aside by Tany.

"Oh surely sure! Me first, me first!" she says as she bounces around the room with her stick.

"OK, I get it, ye gal, but cool that off, will ya?" Tany stops bouncing around, but not before she stumbles to one of the soldiers near Sylvester. Tany glances at him and uses her staff to lift him up and back into standing. She still smiles at this, the soldier at least is unharmed. Not that she mind his grumble towards her.

But before he can do something, Sylvester waves his hand in the air, as if to indicate a command to the soldier. With that, he backs down as he stands in place once more.

"Alright, what do you want to tell me about yourself?" Sylvester asks.

Tany taps her staff on her forehead for a moment, thinking about what to say to them about herself. Finally, she looks up at Sylvester and nods with a cheeky smile.

"Alrighty then, let's start with the basic basics, shall we? I am Tania Maestas, and my family is from...many places! A Mexican daddy and an Ecuadorian mommy!" she exclaims as she continues, "But yeah, these two had a lovey-dovey honeymoon near El Paso, and after that, little me was born, which makes me a proudly proud citizen of two nations! I had many nannies and any sight that meant fun meant I would be gladly glad to take part in it!"

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