Gear Chibi | 1 👒

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It was a sunny afternoon after a long day of fighting went by for the Strawhats. Luffy had used up so much of his energy, he was still soundly asleep in his bedroom.

Meanwhile, most of his friends were up and out on the boat, basking such a delightful day. Nami looked over at Sanji for a moment.

"It's quiet." She admitted.

"Too quiet..." Not five seconds later, they heard a loud scream booming from their Captain's room, making them nod at each other.

"Yup, he's awake." They chuckled.

"Breakfast is almost done, Luffy... Huh?" Sanji was puzzled: He was hearing Luffy's voice, but he couldn't tell where the boy was.

"Who're you talking to, Sanji?" Usopp questioned.

"M-meat! Meat!" They heard a squeaky voice nearby, yet they couldn't see anyone around the ship aside from Robin, Nami, and Brook who were outside.

The only ones inside were Franky and Zoro.

"Did you hear something just now?" Sanji earned a nod from Usopp and Nami.

"What was that?" The boat started to rock from side to side while a pair of tiny feet bounced up and down.

The Strawhats looked down at where the noise was coming from and screamed loudly.

"L-L-L-LUFFY!?!" They tumbled back, seeing a tiny looking boy wearing an oversized straw hat.

"Is that really you?" Luffy nodded at them, wearing a smile on his face.

"Of course it's me, guys! See?" His own voice had even changed to a higher pitch, despite how much he had decreased in height.

"What happened to you?" The boy sighed, sitting down on the floor.

"It's a long story..."


By the time he was finished explaining everything, his crewmates couldn't hold in their laughter, even Robin had joined in.

"I finally feel taller than you, L-Luffy!!" Chopper joked, running around Luffy in circles as the older boy felt humiliated.

"S-stop laughing at me! I'm h-hungy!"

"Hungy...?" His voice was so small, he couldn't even pronounce the words correctly. This seemed to be an added bonus to his height and oversized clothes which made everyone coo at him.

"CUTE!!!!!" They chanted in sync while Luffy tripped over his clothes. His favorite red t-shirt had become a long sweater that made him stumble.

"Psst guys, look at this." Robin said, surrounding everyone around Luffy who was looking up at them like a lost puppy.

"Since he's so small now, his cheeks are extra squishy." She explained, pinching Luffy's cheeks.


"Oh, you're right, Robin! They even stretch out differently." Everyone took turns playing with Luffy's cheeks as if they were kneading bread.

"That hurts my cheekies!! N-no touchy!" His childish attitude was enabling the others to continue squishing Luffy.

"I'll go make you your breakfast now, Captain." Sanji rushed into the kitchen with Nami following behind him. Together, they shut the door behind Luffy and immediately broke out laughing.

"Wuffy hears y-you!!"

Though trying to be polite and discrete about how to behave around Luffy's new form, they couldn't handle his new voice and continued laughing over it.


"I can't speeeeak properly, wah!! The boy sat on the floor and folded his tiny arms together, pouting angrily.

Hearing how much fun his friends were having would have made their Captain feel joy inside, but given that he himself was the joke, he felt offended.

But his cuteness wasn't allowing him to look as agitated as he really felt. Instead, he puffed out his cheeks and grew reddened.

"Wuffy thirsty. I know! The bar." He wiggled his way towards the bar, minding his friends who were still talking about how adorable Luffy was.

Having made it to the bar that Franky was operating, the boy struggled to sit up on the barstools, so he decided to order his drink first to see if he would regain the amount of energy he needed to go back to his regular height.

"I want energy! Anything will do, as long as it has caffeine or sugar in it, Franky!" The boy requested, tapping his little feet underneath the bar to be recognized by his Shipwright, American buddy.

"ONE COLA LOADED WITH CAFFEINE COMING RIGHT UP!" The Cyborg man grew confused as to who he had been talking to the entire time.

Zoro, who was right beside him had looked over his shoulders to see a tiny floating straw hat.

He lifted the hat to reveal an angry pouty face that had unbelievably adorable features, in spite of how angry the boy looked.

"Luffy... Is that you?" He asked. His voice seemed serious, so Luffy trusted that his first mate wouldn't make fun of him no matter what.

"Hmmm, I think it's safe to tell you, but j-just don't laugh."


ZoLu Imagines |【Zoro x Luffy】🔥Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz