Stray Cat | 4 🐈

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Once he arrived at the dojo, Zoro greeted his teacher, pulling out his sword.

"My, got into an accident when training, Zoro?" The teacher questioned, shining a mirror at the man's face.

When Zoro looked into it, he noticed he had many scratches on his face and turned red.

"That little..." Knowing well that this might have been caused in his sleep made him feel less vengeful towards Luffy. Just the thought of fighting against a cat made Zoro feel ridiculous.

Then again, talking to one in general made him feel silly.

"It's not my fault he spoke back." He blurted out loud on accident, earning everyone's attention.

"So, these scratches were caused by a fight. Did you win?" His teacher asked, being assured he would receive a good answer.

"Yes, sensei. I defeated him, alright." Zoro declared, holding back his laughter. The following answer his sensei gave him surprised the man.

"A... Medal?" He asked, holding onto a medal that was placed around Zoro's neck.

"I expected nothing less from our strongest fighter. Congratulations on winning your 100th fight, Zoro. That deserves a medal for how great your skills have developed this year." Zoro was delighted, bowing down at the teacher with glee.

For the first time in quite awhile, something good actually happened to Zoro in his life, and he hated to admit it, but it was all thanks to the stray cat he met yesterday.

"I wonder what he's doing back at home."


"A-almost got it. Just a little more, little more!" A curious cat was waving his paws in the air, reaching for something he couldn't seem to grab ahold of.

He jumped onto the kitchen counter, managing to grab ahold of a string he found dangling from afar.

His eyes sparkled as his ears stood up, he took quite a liking to strings and other things that not many people found entertaining.

All of that playing ended up leaving the playful cat with his stomach growling.

"Hungry... Luffy wants foody!" Though the food within the kitchen wasn't off limits to him, the cat didn't feel confident enough to steal food from the man who was letting him stay in his house, so he rolled around the floor for awhile, resting on the comfy rug.

"I wonder when master Zoro is coming back home. I miss him... And I miss eating all his chicken."


After waiting for Zoro to return, those agonizing hours finally came to an end for his bored pet as he heard the door peering open.

He was immediately surrounded by the cat as it meowed continuously at him, welcoming him home.

"That's weird, I'm not used to being missed since I usually come back home to an empty apartment." He carried the cat in his arms, smiling at him.

"Did you miss me, little one?"

"OF COURSE I DID! I want food food food!" Zoro's smile faded away as he placed the cat down, encountering the mess he made while he was gone.

"Did a hurricane run this place over?!" He crossed his arms, causing Luffy to back away.

"Luffy sorry, master Zoro..." The cat apologized. As angry as he was, the man couldn't seem to stay mad for long at the cat, so he forgave him on one condition.

"Help me clean this up, then I'll forgive you." Agreeing to his offer, the clumsy cat started to clean up after himself, picking up the items with his teeth to hand them over to Zoro.

"Hungryyyy..." He fell to his side, giving Zoro a scare.

The man picked him up in his arms, placing him on his couch for awhile as he went to fetch him something to eat.

"Hey! Don't die on me, wait a minute." Walking over to the cat with a bowl of food in his hands, he placed the bowl down and left it by his side.

Most of the food was leftovers from his own dinner last night made up of chicken and rice with a side of corn, carrots, and celery.

Luffy took one sniff of the food and dipped his head into the bowl, eating the chicken in under a minute. The rice was passable for the cat as well, but as Zoro sat beside him on his dining table, he pointed at the bowl.

"Uh uh, eat your vegetables too. They're good for you." He commanded, making the cat whine at him while following his orders.

After dinner it was bedtime just like last night, so Zoro lead the cat into the bedroom again, placing the same pillows on the floor.

"Let me guess," he sighed. "The moment I turn off the lights, you'll climb back up on the bed with me just like you did last night, won't you." The cat shamelessly nodded.

"So there really is no point in me doing all of this, is there?"

"Nope." His voice made Zoro chuckle, tilting his head towards the bed.

"Wait, seriously?!" The cat asked, his tail shifting from side to side with excitement.

"Hurry and get on before I change my mind." Zoro stated, allowing the cat to sleep beside him one last time.

"Yahoo!! Thank you!" Feeling safer beside the strange man now, the cat got closer to him, resting his head against his chest.

"Don't get too comfortable living here, you're definitely leaving tomorrow." Zoro yawned, petting the cat's head.

His master fell asleep before him, unlike last night, snoring softly beside the stray cat that found peace in his presence.

"Goodnight, Zoro." He whispered, closing his eyes to dive into a deep sleep.


As a new day welcomed the sleeping man and his new pet who he was growing accustomed to, he heard him snoring rather loudly.

"For such a little thing, you sure can snore." He chuckled as the cat was startled awake by his own noise.

The cat was quiet, unlike yesterday. His silence lead Zoro to think he had gone insane.

"I knew it, there was no way a cat could possibly speak." He sighed.

Seconds later, the cat's ears started to wiggle at the man while he stood up on his owner's chest, bouncing on him.

"Goooooooood morning, Master Zoro!"

"MMF! LU-F-" His master ran out of breath being scratched by the cat everywhere as he greeted him.

"I doubt I'll ever get used to this," Zoro looked at his happy, energetic buddy then thought otherwise.

"Who knows... Maybe having a pet cat isn't so bad after all."


ZoLu Imagines |【Zoro x Luffy】🔥Where stories live. Discover now