MINE | 6 🔥

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Zoro's POV:

My body jolted up as I came to my senses, realizing I had fallen asleep at the bar.

"It was all just a nightmare, holy shit." When I look to my side, Law was sitting beside me.

"What happened... Is Luffy okay?" I asked with hesitation. Law shook his head, making my heart sink.

"Didn't you hear what I just said? I told you that-"

"Wait a minute, why are you here again?!" In my mind, had already done this before, so this drove me to insanity.

"Why am I here? To settle things with you. First off, Luffy and I never kissed, we-"

"You were reading a book... Meaning that you two were just focusing on the pages. THE PAGES!" I sprinted up from my seat with a smile.

"I'm sorry, my pal had too many drinks today. I'll be taking him home now, have a nice day." I left money on the counter just as I had done before, dragging Law out of the pub with me.

He jumped out of my grip, brushing his clothes.

"You know, what's with you and Luffy carrying me around like I'm some sort of a mannequin? Do I look like I'm made of plastic to you?" I apologized, calming myself down for a moment.

What I was about to ask Law wasn't easy, but I knew that it might have been better than to not try anything at all.

"I have a favor to ask of you." He shrugged, awaiting my answer. I gulped, looking down at my sword.

"Can you beat me up?"


Third Person's POV:

"Nami! Sanji! Franky! Anybody?! Please, help me find Zoro!" Luffy was still running around town, searching endlessly for his lost first mate.

None of his crewmates seemed to be around, and if he wasted time trying to get passed all of the newcomers headed to the festival just to find one of his friends, he ran the risk of losing Zoro for good.

"I'll have to find Law first, he'll help me." Knowing that Law was also in search of the man, Luffy turned around and went towards the alleyway he saw him
run into before.

Not long after having arrived there, he bumped into someone.

"My bad, pardon me." When he took one good look at the person he crossed paths with, he realized it was the guy he had been searching for this entire time.

"ZORO?! KYAAAAAA! W-what happened to you?!" He shouted, his face stunned with worry.

Law approached the younger, wrapping his arm around Zoro's shoulder to help him walk.

"He asked me to beat him up," he started, pointing at Zoro.

"I asked him to beat me up." Zoro pointed at himself as Luffy examined the various, multicolored bruises he had all over him.

"I accepted his request," Law grinned, feeling a slight satisfaction in what he did.

"H-he accepted my request." Zoro looked at Law, then stared at Luffy.

One of them suddenly burst out laughing, and the other two followed, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

"I'm sorry... For everything." The older man furrowed his eyebrows at the youngest.

Luffy accepted his apology as Zoro held onto his hands, feeling guilty for what he had done to him earlier.

"So, uh.. Does your crew still need a swordsman?" The boy nodded, squinting his eyes.

"Think I can be part of your Pirate crew again, Captain?" Zoro humbly asked, unsure of what Luffy's answer would be.

He knew how spontaneous the young adult teen could be, therefore, he didn't know what awaited him.

Out of nowhere, Luffy took his hat off, placing it on top of Zoro's head.

"As if you ever left. I wouldn't accept anyone else as my swordsman, let alone, first mate." He giggled, walking beside Zoro and Law.

"What a day, right?" The darker haired male commented, sighing as they made their way towards a setting sun.

"You said it, man." Zoro replied, holding onto one side of his body. The way he and Law looked made them laugh at one another.

"Psst, Trafalgar." He whispered, poking at the man's arm.


"Guess what you look like." The man grinned, cooking up something in his head.

"Oh, I can't wait to know." Law sarcastically said in response.

"A MOOron." Luffy overheard Zoro's joke and started laughing loudly. Law smirked, plotting his revenge.

"Hey, Zoro." He whispered back.


"Wanna know what your hair reminds me of?" The man copied his same catchphrase as before, making the most out of their situation.

"What." Zoro thought nothing would beat what he had told Law, but he was in for a surprise.

"The grass cows chew on." An inhumane noise emitted from Zoro's mouth while Luffy's laugh could be heard from miles away.

Before the day could end, Luffy called out to Zoro from behind him.

"Zoro!!" He turned around, wondering what was going on.

"I forgive you." Luffy captivated him with his words, and ended his sentence by surprising Zoro with a kiss.

"Best birthday ever."


ZoLu Imagines |【Zoro x Luffy】🔥Where stories live. Discover now