Sick Day | 5 🌧

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Water droplets cascaded down Luffy's legs and dripped from his drenched hair, the closer he approached Zoro with a gentle laugh and contagious smirk that was giving the older man all sorts of feelings.

Then, he let his worries go away, seeing Luffy standing right in front of him.

"I'm the one who's supposed to have a fever, why are you so red?" He cupped his hands around Luffy's face, watching the water drip onto his shirt.

"Oops, I got your shirt wet. Too bad... Now you gotta remove it." Reaching down to unbutton the man's shirt, Zoro shook his head at Luffy.

"Hey before you strip me like a Christmas present, why don't you go lock the door first." To prevent any annoying interruptions or embarrassing exposures from occurring, Luffy got down from the bed for a moment, walking towards the door to lock it.

His excitement lead the boy to breaking the doorknob on accident, leaving the door free for anyone to open.

"It lasted long enough, we break everything." He nervously giggled.

"WE? There's no "I" in this, just you."

"So... There's no "you" in it?" The Captain hummed.

"Of course there isn't." Zoro sighed, running his hands across his face.

"Hmm, so since "I" broke the door... There won't be a "you" in me either, I guess. Meaning I'll have to put this back on-" Luffy reached for his towel again but his dominant lover grew submissive, disagreeing with his decision.

"Please... Don't." He pleaded the younger not to get dressed, lowering his head in shame.

"Thought so, Marimo." Luffy teased, offending the older man.

"GET OUT!" He shouted, tossing a pillow at the boy. Luffy gasped, pretending to be injured while tumbling back.

When Zoro noticed, he rushed over to him, asking if he was alright, only to be surprised with a pillow being slapped across his face.

"Oh, you're on. THREE-PILLOW STYLE!" Biting down onto one cushion and holding the other two in his hands, Zoro and Luffy started a kiddish pillow fight that slowly lead them towards the bed when his clumsy Captain landed on top of it.

Zoro's mood had lightened up seeing the way Luffy laughed along with him during their temporary pillow fight.

Being in a calm state of mind made him easier to read. Luffy anchored his stretchy arms onto the man's shoulders, reeling him in with a kiss.

"You know, if you feel too sick... I won't make you do it today. Maybe tomorrow?"

"Like he could wait until tomorrow. Even a cold shower didn't make it go away." Zoro sarcastically spoke, reaching down to wrap his hand around Luffy's length, making him yelp.

His arms grew weak under the man's touch, making him slump down beneath his mate.

"N-ngh! Don't squeeze so hard..." He pushed his head back, quivering at the friction that Zoro's hands gave him.

"Sorry, is this better?" The man corrected his movements, releasing some of the pressure against his grip, earning a quick nod from Luffy.

"Better." The boy kissed his neck, moving down to Zoro's chest, tugging at his shirt.

His lover pleased Luffy's caprice, hovering the shriveled T-shirt over his head, removing it.

Thinking his significant other erased all memory of what he was doing before, Luffy relaxed his body, helping himself to imprinting love bites on Zoro's bare chest and neck.

Suddenly, his stomach was tied in knots once more when he felt a pulse within the area Zoro was touching, causing him to moan.

"Ahh.." Luffy hunched over, hugging Zoro while he continued to make a mess of the boy, giving him a tighter squeeze, twisting it ever so slightly.

Soon, both of the heated males became so overly concentrated on their sexual desires, they didn't overhear someone's voice calling out to one of them through the door Luffy broke.

For this reason, the person called out Zoro's name a second time, making them cause a ruckus while Luffy suppressed his voice into a pillow.

"Zoro," by now, the door that was covering up Zoro and Luffy's intimacy had flung open, exposing one of the crewmates, Sanji.

"Sorry, I was changing my clothes." Seeing the blonde Chef walk into the room with a food tray made Zoro act quickly, covering up Luffy's silhouette by standing behind the bed.

"Hey, have you seen Luffy around? Everyone's coming back soon, so I thought I'd prepare dinner." The cook's information made Luffy frown from underneath the sheets.

He was hoping to have a little more time to spend with Zoro alone.

"Haven't seen him lately, last I saw him he was going to search for food in this nearby restaurant."

"Huh... He could've just waited until everyone returned, I was gonna cook either way, now he spoiled his dinner." Sanji sighed. Just then, Zoro came up with an idea.

"Yeah, doubt that those women are letting go of him any time soon." Sanji's ears suddenly rang, hearing the Swordsman loud and clear.

"Ahem, c-could you repeat that question?"

"Gotcha." Zoro walked towards Sanji, taking a bite of his food.

"Mmm, so word has it: The restaurant has what you would call, polite waitresses who cook the best food in town." He continued, each word of his leaving Sanji under a spell.

"I'm listening, tell me moreeee!"

"It has this thing called "fan service", not sure what it's for, but Luffy told me that if you enter the restaurant and shout "Pirates!" They'll swarm you like a--" Sanji's legs took off at full speed, his heart racing to get to the magical restaurant Zoro had convinced him about.

"Wow, and I didn't even have to give him the name of the fake restaurant, just perfect." He admitted, sneaking a peak at Luffy underneath the sheets.

The adorably curious boy poked his head out, earning a kiss on the head from Zoro.

They stopped and stared at each other for a moment, laughing hysterically at Zoro's genius plan.

"J-J- AHAHA! JUST IMAGINE WHEN SANJI WALKS INTO A RANDOM RESTAURANT, ZOROOOO!!" Luffy slapped his knee, rolling around the bed.

"I'm gonna get my ass kicked so badly, but I have to admit, this is the most fun I've had in awhile!" Zoro cradled Luffy in his arms and there they remained, slowly closing in on each other with nothing to say.

"What're we going to do about this, Captain?" Zoro asked, breaking the silence.

"Anything you want, I'll let you be my captain for today."

"Captain for a day, is it? Let me introduce you to my ship then."


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